Chapter 9: Purge Trooper

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Jack found that Purge Trooper armor was a lot more like his clone armor, comfortable. He was glad he was finally being recognized as an elite soldier for his aiming skills. He used a modified DC-15 blaster rifle. His favorite. A certain button allowed him to charge up a laser shot that could vaporize anybody in its way. The served under Lord Vader which was fine with him, he found the Inquisition to be too much for him so he chose to serve the man that gave him this opportunity. He was the only clone to become a Purge Trooper in Vader's squad called "Vader's Fist". It was the 501st but under a different name. Most of them were clones like Appo but some were regular enlisters. Him and Appo hardly talked, Appo hated Jack for becoming a Purge Trooper, he felt like he deserved it since he marched on the Jedi Temple with Vader. Jack did his best to ignore Appo. He always reported back to Vader the nature of certain planets like Tatooine, Naboo, Lothal and Coruscant. Tatooine always intrigued Vader for some reason, it was like it was home to him at some point, which confused Jack. There was only one Jedi he knew of that came from Tatooine and it was Skywalker but he heard that Skywalker perished in the Jedi Purge at the Temple.

Jack sat in his quarters alone. He closed his eyes and dreamt something weird. He could move objects with his mind, he had incredible agility, he couldn't miss a shot. He was a Jedi. Or meant to be one. He jolted awake. "'No. That's not possible. Jango Fett wasn't Force sensitive, so I can't be", Jack thought to himself. But, he tried to move his armor with his mind. It worked. "How is this possible? Did the Kaminoans inject a Jedi's blood into my pod?" If anyone in the Empire found out, he's he executed for being a traitor to the Empire. No one could find out, not even Vader.

The next day, he tried to act normal, especially around Vader. He knew Vader would sense if he was acting weird. "Jack, you have a new mission. Go to the Mid Rim world of Takodana, there is a Jedi that needs to be put down there" said Vader. "Right away, sir!"

Jack came out of hyperspace. Takodana was a first type planet with a large castle. He landed his TIE Fighter far away from the castle. He walked for miles until he hit the outskirts of the castle. He approached the front doors and a small, orange alien with large glasses approached him. "What can I do for you, trooper?" said the alien. "I'm here for a Jedi, seen any?" Jack asked in an aggressive tone. "No. I have not. I do not allow Jedi in my cantina with all of you Imperials running around looking for them". Jack got angry, "where is the Jedi?! I know she's here. Tell me where!" "You will not speak to her like that" said a female voice. An orange hue illuminated Jack's black armor. "So, you're the Jedi. I need your help". Jack explained everything to the Jedi. "I don't believe you. You're a clone, you and your brothers aided in the destruction of the Jedi Order!" She raised her lightsaber but the alien intervened. "Stop! This clone is telling the truth! I can sense the Force in him". "I'm sorry but who are you?" said Jack. "I am Maz Kanata". "Are you a Jedi as well?" "No, but I know the Force". The trio talked for hours, the Jedi beginning to feel sympathy for Jack. "I will help you. But first, we need to take out that inhibitor chip". "What chip?" "Oh, you don't know? You clones were programmed by the Sith and Kaminoans to execute the Jedi". This hit Jack like a ton of blaster bolts. "So, you're saying, us clones were programmed like droids?" "I'm afraid so".

Jack couldn't go back to Vader now, he's betrayed the Empire by not killing this female Jedi. He would be hunted down until he was old.

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