Chapter 2: Glomgold's Silly Little Cult

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Gloria awoke to her phone alarm going off. Megalovania of course. Megalovania on her flip phone. She groaned, rubbing her eyes and sitting up in her sleeping bag. Groggy, she looked over to Ellie staring at her.

"Good morning, Gloria. You seemed to have slept well."

"Ummm, hi?"

The two of them sat on a blanket in the corner of Gyro's lab. An area Gloria had claimed to be her home. She decided on spending the night there because of how much intern work she needed to make up due to her "unpaid vacation" time in Agartha. Her internship was unpaid too but whatever.

They hadn't talked about the events that had happened the previous night. Ellie was too upset to talk about it so she simply just watched Gloria work until she went to bed. Then Ellie proceeded to watch her sleep too.

Gloria got up to start her day with Ellie following behind her like a lost puppy. "Hey, are you feeling any better? It's okay if you don't want to talk about it."

"No, it's alright. I need to let it out of my system. Literally." Ellie said, deadpanned. "I am still rather upset."

Gloria sat at her really shitty desk in the far corner of the lab before pulling another chair to the side for Ellie to sit down and rant while she started to work. "Lay it on me, sis."

"I don't understand how Mark could have reproduced with another woman and not have told me."

Gloria shook her head. "Men are garbage."

"Garbage is wasted or spoiled food and other rubbish from a kitchen household so I believe you have mixed up your vocabulary." Ellie finally sat down in the seat her friend had offered. "I'm upset, but I shouldn't have slapped him and stormed off." She slammed her head on the desk and laid there because she didn't know how to express her emotions otherwise. "This is the second substantial fight we've been in and I don't know what to do. Maybe we aren't meant to be together, but I have nowhere to go if I don't go running back. My Uncle wants nothing to do with me since he achieved his goal of becoming Mayor of Duckburg."

"Honestly, I think he deserved that slap. He should've told you that he had a kid a LONG time ago and you have every right to be pissed off at him! Like, there is no way you can just keep something like that a secret! Dumbass... But seriously, if you need to stay here for a few more nights you're more than welcome to!"

Ellie thought about her words for a second. The advice Gloria had given wasn't helpful, but that was expected since organics had quite a low IQ. It couldn't be helped she was naturally stupid. "But what am I supposed to do after?" She gave her the benefit of the doubt and hoped she had something interesting to give thought.

She shrugged. "Whatever you want to do, I guess. You have your own mind and conscience so the world is your oyster."

"I don't know what that means, but I have to say you give bad advice and did not help at all."

"Yeah I am not the best at giving advice... but you know who is? Gyro! Aw man he knows Mark SOOOO well! Let's go bother him and see if he can help you." Gloria sat up and started going over to where Gyro was working. He was in an entire different section of the lab.

"Heyyyyyyyyy Gyro!" Gloria called, giving him a slap on the back of the head. "Quick question, why the fuck is the lab underwater anyways? Seems pretty stupid considering we are working with a lot of electrcity."

He sighed, rubbing the back of his head and turning around. "Good morning to you too. And to answer your question, having a lab underwater makes it 32.6% more difficult for enemies to access."

"That's a pretty low number if you ask me but anyways Ellie here wants to talk to you about something."

He looked behind her, laying eyes on the robot who was just... scowling at him. He pinched in between his eyes. "Tell me why you brought her here when she is working for the enemy."

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