Chapter 12: This Is The Weirdest Chapter

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Gyro reentered the cabin with two cups of water in hand, something Ellie had requested for him to get for both Mark and Gloria. A few days had passed and whatever sickness they had come down with became worse very quickly. The symptoms were very similar to the flu but more severe to put it lightly. The porta potties were of much use to Mark and Gloria much to their dismay. Not that they managed to care anymore with how delusional they were getting.

The rest of the camp wasn't doing too hot either. Gyro had managed to stay healthy thus far by washing his hands frequently at the outdoor sinks, but that could only work for so long with the current crisis.

Ellie took the water from Gyro thanking him, and yes, Kyle was on her shoulder as usual. She sat beside Mark on the bottom bunk and held the water up to him. "Mark, you need to drink. You're dehydrated."

"NO! I DON'T WANNA!" Mark smacked the water out of her hand, the cup spilling on the floor. The roaches under the bed happily scattered out of their hiding to drink from the puddle. Ellie sighed. That was the fifth cup today.

"I WANT TO DRINK! IMMA THIRSTY HOE AND I WANT VODKA!" Gloria laughed at her own weird joke.

Gyro handed her the cup. "Here's you vodka. Drink up." He lifted up her head so she wouldn't choke on it again and throw up everywhere like yesterday.

Mark whined trying to get up from his bed "What?! She gets vodka?! No fair! I want vodka!"

Their delusional speech was getting worse by the hour, as well as their fevers. Although Ellie kept her tone calm, she was starting to have a mental breakdown too. There was no medicine in the camp, not even over the counter pharmacy pain medication.

Ellie lightly pushed down Mark onto the bed again. He wasn't able to fight it with how weak he was. "You did have vodka," She lied, pointing to the puddle. "But you spilled it all over the ground."

Mark paused for a moment before yelling again "WELL CAN I GET MORE?!"

"WE HAVE MORE VODKA?!" Gloria tried to get out of bed too.

Gyro freaked out, waving her down. "No no no. Don't do that!" He caught the cup, preventing it from slipping from her hands. He turned to Ellie, worried. "What are we even doing? They won't even drink anymore!"

Not responding, Ellie rested Mark's head on her lap before laying a hand on his forehead. She frowned. "You're running a fever of 115 Farenheit."

"Is that a good thing?" Mark asked.

"Absolutely not." She scolded before turning to Gyro. "Gyro, this is deadly. We need to find medicine or they aren't going to make it. Even if it's just simple painkillers. Anything."

Ellie's desperate tone didn't make him feel any better. "Where?! We've asked everyone! The few campers that did have medicine got them taken away from the God Bots as soon as they arrived at camp."

"That means they're storing it somewhere."

"Somewhere we can't get to!" Gloria began choking on her "vodka" again and Gyro had to catch her from falling over, patting her back. "Duck Jesus. They're losing it."

"Losing what?" Gloria and Mark said in unison. Gloria gasped "oh my godddddd JINX!"

"We are practically twins!!"

"I know, right?! We are such good friends we finish each others..."

Mark was silent.

Gloria finished her own sentence. "Sentences! God we are really good friends, right Mark?"

"Totally! And I think you're supppper hot, even if you're fat and make me want to gag most of the time."

Ellie glared at him but didn't say anything.

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