Chapter 6

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You woke up later, since you had the day off. You went to the bathroom and saw a little red mark where (bf/n) had hit you. You just shook your head and put your hair up in a messy bun and washed your face off. Afterwards you brushed your teeth, put on deodorant, etc.

You sat back down on the couch and clicked on your phone. You had a message from (bf/n):

Hey... I'm sorry about yesterday. I was a little drunk and I had already had a bad day, I didn't mean to start drama. Forgive me?

You thought about it for a second then gave in. This was the first time he's ever done something like that. He may never do it again. So you responded with a simple yes.

You got up to make breakfast, but you heard your phone start to ring, so you picked it up. It was Mark.


"Hey, (f/n), I was wondering if I could borrow some milk. I drank all mine because I tried to do a hot sauce challenge again... therefore my mouth and face are burning to the depths of hell. So if you'd be so kind, can I?"

You burst out laughing. He sounded like a bee stung his tongue and he was talking really fast, but you managed to understand. "Sure, Mark." You told him your address and he hung up.

After a couple of minutes, you opened the door to a sweaty Mark with his tongue moving up and down, frantically trying to cool off. You giggled and handed him a cup of milk.

He walked inside and drank the milk in less than 10 seconds, "More please and thank you." You closed the front door and took the cup, filling it with milk.

"Why exactly did you do a hot sauce challenge?" You handed him the cup back.

"My friends, Wade and Bob, dared me to, and I can't say no to a dare. So I did it and I believe I used a bit too much." He drank the milk down again, still really sweaty. You went into the bathroom and brought back a small dry towel for him to wipe his face on. "Here," you said as you handed it to him.

"Thank you, (f/n), you're a life savor," he wiped his face on the towel. He looked a little better, but not all the way. He glasses were falling down from where he had been moving his face around frantically trying to cool his tongue off. He pushed them back up with a finger.

You smiled a little bit. He noticed you looking at him, "What?" You only shook your head, "You're just weird." He gasped like he was hurt, but then he laughed, which made you laugh.

He then looked around the room and saw your Eiffel Tower painting hanging up. He stood up immediately and got closer to see it better.

"(F/n), you should really teach me how to draw or something."

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