5 // Mistletoe

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Hi! I know Christmas is already over, but, yeah... Hope you'll like it anyways :)

Vote and comment? It makes me want to update faster :)

After April and Grace found the food - yay - the three girls started to chat for a while. And yeah, Grace is such a cool girl. She likes just the same things like they do. Like pizza. Which is good!

'How do you became so close to Dylan?' she suddenly asks April. 'Alright, this will sound nerdy but... I had to lead him through school because he was new and yeah...' she said kind of embarrassed although it isn't that embarrassing. 'Well, thank god it was you. Or else you maybe didn't talked to him?' She asked. 'Maybe', April says and smile at her. After she did that, she looked over at Louise who was already looking at her with a huge smile on her face. Weird. 'Why are you smiling', April mouths to her but she just laughs. Well yeah.

Suddenly, someone lays down his hand on her shoulder, which makes April scare a bit. But, when she turn around and sees Dylan, she's not scared anymore. I mean, he's everything except scary.

She looks into his beautiful brown eyes and already feels comfortable. That sounded quite weird but it's the truth. 'Hi' he says and smiles, while he's obviously looking in my eyes too. 'Hey', she replies and smiles back.

'Hey , we know you guys like eachother but, we're here too', Louise says which makes Grace and Harry laugh too. Well,that's embarassing... 

April turns around so I can see Louise and Grace laugh while she's blushing like crazy...

'Well sorry', Dylan says and April saw him blush too which she found kind of cute.

'But we're just friends', he adds.

And, for some kind of reason, that comment made April a little bit sad.

'Yeah right', Grace mumbles. April could still hear it, though. Louise and Dylan did too because Louise was already smirking and Dylan, well, blushing.


'Guys, come over here!' Brandon yells at them. Suddenly, April and Dylan get pushed to a place, and they both don't know why. They both look very confused at Brandon, Louise and Grace, but as soon as they start pointing to something above them, they both knew what was above them...

A mistletoe.

oh. no.

'so, this is awkward' Dylan says and looks down. 'kind of' April says while looking at her feet. She doesn't really knows what to do...

'GUYS, DO SOMETHING', Louise yells. 'Louise shut up and kiss for god sake Fred or something!' April yells at her which makes her shut up immediately. 'So do I look like Fred for you?' Dylan says which makes the both of them laugh.

'Who called my name?' Fred suddenly said which makes them laugh even louder.

'Oh, okay, I was just checking out your house, you have a really nice carpet, Dylan' he said.

And with that, everyone else started laughing too, including Fred. 'Why are we actually laughing?' he suddenly says. Oh god, that's just typical Fred.

'So....' Louise says standing right beside Dylan and April. 'Is there anything going to happen or...' Grace said but Brandon cuts her off by saying 'do we need to help?'

'We'll do it ourself', April says. 'So, how are we going to do this, like? This is awkward' she adds. 'Just, relax', Dylan says while he smiles. He was standing so close, only one inch away from April. And, before April knew it, Dylan's lips were on hers. His soft lips. She couldn't help it but smile,during the kiss. It was a soft and sweet kiss, which made her feel so... good?

'I don't know but I think...

That I could be in love with Dylan... But, the thing is... What if I only want to stay friends?' She thinks to herself.

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