4 // Christmas

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Hi guys, this is the first part of this Christmas chapter! I hope you're going to love it! I know, there isn't happening a lot and it isn't that much but guys, I'm so busy atm! But, I hope you had an amazing, fabulous and perfect Christmas and I hope you had a lot of fun with your family. Oh and, on the side , there's a picture of Harry and Grace :) Love you guys!


I look in the mirror and do my hair in a quiff. I'm wearing a checkered shirt and black skinny jeans. I hope April will think I look good. I know I don't know her that long, but, she's always on my mind.

Her lovely smile, her beautiful brown wavy hair and her beautiful sparkly eyes.


I think she doesn't feels the same way.

I go downstairs and get a drink while I wait for my friends to arrive. My family is to France because they wanted to spend Christmas with their friends over there. I didn't wanted to go to France, I didn't liked those people anyways. And to be honest, a week for myself, isn't that bad though.


'Hi Dylan, what's up?' Dylan's best friend - the only one he had when he was being bullied- says to me. His name's Harry. He brought his girlfriend Grace with him which is a really good friend of Dylan too.


A couple of minutes later, some other friends arrived. It was just so nice for Dylan to see them all again. It's been such a long time ago since he went to France and all of that.

But then, finally, the doorbell rang, and that can only means April and Louise are here.

'I'll be right back. My friends from my new school are here',  Dylan says and smiles at Harry and Grace. He rushes himself to the frontdoor quickly.

 He opens the door to see April, Louise and.... Fred? 'Did I invite him?' He thinks.  'Well yeah, doesn't matter. He's clearly not the boy who'll crash this party.'

'Hi Dylan',April says smiling at the tall boy. They give eachother a hug. 'Hi, how are you?' He says and smile at her, like he always does. She just always puts a smile on his face. And yeah, this sounds cheesy.

'Dylaaaan' Louise says with this giant smile on her face. 'Louiseee' he replies. They hug eachother aswell.

'Looking good', April says and puts her thumbs up which causes Dylan to blush.

'Hey Dylan' someone else says. Yup, that someone must be Fred. 'Hi Freddie' Dylan says and wants to give him a high five but suddenly Fred embraces him. What? Well yeah, this is an awkward situation... But yeah, Fred's a fun guy. They all walk to the living room where Harry and Grace are.

'So, April, Louise and... Fred, this is my friend Harry and his girlfriend Grace', Dylan says while pointing to a guy with curly brown hair and a girl with beautiful blonde hair. 'She's very pretty. Wow. But, Harry, I think that's his name, isn't that bad either', April thinks.

'Hi', Brandon says to April while he stands up. 'Hi, I'm April, nice to meet you', she says and smiles at him while he does the same. 'A polite girl, nice', he says and chuckles while looking approvingly at April which makes  her chuckle too.

'Hi, you're April right?' Grace says while she smiles. 'God, she's just perfect, her hair, smile, everything. Wish I could look like her', April thinks to herself. 'Yup, that's me', April says. Maybe a bit too much excited but oh well.

'Wow you're excited', she says laughing. 'Yeah, sorry...' April says being embarrassed. 'It's okay, it's funny', she says smiling. 'So, do you know where the food is here?' Grace asks April and winks. We both start laughing. 'Good question.'

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