Chapter 10

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8:45 am Wednesday 3rd June

"Good morning everybody, it is Wednesday which means we are going to be having free time for about 15 minutes whilst all the band people are finishing up and come back to class. But first, hands up who has noticed something different about the classroom today?" Every hand shoots up and these responses will be funny, I can already tell as all their heads quickly shoot to Johnson. "Ben, what is different today?" I could regret picking Ben very quickly.

"There's a big dude sitting next to your desk. Miss Kerr, he's built like a brick shit house." Oh good lord Ben! I want to laugh so badly; Johnson is trying to hold in his laughter but failing whilst showing a grin.

"Ben you do not swear at school ever. You are going on your first warning for today. Can you please put your name on number 1 please?" Ben is such a country boy. Considering we are in Western Queensland it doesn't surprise me, but he has a serious dosage of country living within his discourse, unfortunately. "Anyway, moving on. Yes, we have our new classroom member here. Starting today he will be here every day. His name is Mr Johnson so can we please say a big good morning to Mr Johnson."

In perfect unison, they all say "Good morning Mr Johnson. God bless you." He gives them the biggest smile I have seen yet. He is definitely a gentle giant, I think. The rest of this week will be the big test.

"Thank you very much Year 5. I'm very excited to be with you starting today. You are a very lucky class to have Miss Kerr I will say." Okay, was that a compliment or was that flirting? God, I want it to be flirting, but at the same time, it has caused all the focus I had to disappear.

Quickly regrouping my thoughts, I start my morning speech again. "Now that we have dealt with that, let's get onto today's notices. We do not have technology today unfortunately because Mr Grady is a bit unwell. But today, we do have some special guests coming to do see us. Mr Scott's class are coming in to read with you today. Remember to show them good manners when they do come in because they are only in Grade 2, so we need to set a good example. Alrighty, you can have some free time starting now for the next 10 minutes. Please make sure that it is sensible."

Moving to the back of the room, I head towards Johnson. He is still having a giggle to himself every now and then and I know it is from Ben's comment. "I'm so sorry about that. Ben is definitely a country boy at heart and in how he talks," I whisper sitting down next to Johnson.

"I can tell. It's fine, definitely livened up my morning and a fantastic memory for my first day." He's so genuine it makes my heart jump. His smile is so bright, and I can see a young man having a good time, not just because of something funny, but because he is enjoying himself. No one I have ever dated or even liked has ever really understood why I teach or even why I am so dedicated to it, he could be different. I hope he's different because otherwise, these feelings are a complete waste of time.

One last thing on the list before the kids come back from band and it's to print off this week's spelling words for the kids to glue into their books to prep for homework tomorrow. "Damien, can you please go down to the library and see Miss Barker for the printing I have just done. It's just some spelling words. You can have a look at some of the new books she has as well, I know you want to." As soon as I mention the new books, his face lights up. He is my reader. Give that boy a book or even a pamphlet and he will read it and completely delve right into it. It's the best thing to have in a classroom.

"Is there anything I can do Anna? I feel bad just sitting here and listening to you teach and not doing anything? Please if there is anything, let me do it." Wow, yep, that butterfly feeling is back.

"Um, I don't have anything at the moment but give me until next session and I might. Thank you by the way." He winks at me as I rise from my desk and I swoon. It takes everything I have to hold myself up and not completely go weak at the knees. The kids would never forget that.

It ticks over to 9 o'clock and the kids from band start to return and from now on, it's a learning day.

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"So, considering we are going to be living together starting this afternoon, is there anything I need to know, or you think that I should be aware of?" Eating lunch in my classroom has never been so enjoyable, especially with such as good-looking date. I cannot believe that starting tonight, he will be living with me and walking around my apartment in either boxers or pyjamas. There could even be the possibility of toplessness.

"Um, well I don't sleepwalk, and I don't think I sleep talk, so you should be okay on that front." He laughs. "Considering you go to a gym that is handy because I will be able to work out as well. Is there anything I should know about you, Anna? I mean, I only really know you as my protectee so far." What do I say to that? I need to be witty... be witty Anna.

"The only thing would be that I bake, a lot, especially if I'm stressed or anxious about something. So, there will probably be a consistent amount of sweets around the house. If you can deal with that, I guess you should be okay. I'm pretty quiet overall though. I don't do much outside of work and spending time with my brother and my best friend Maddi. Speaking of Maddi, she is coming over tonight for girl's night, so be prepared for either an action movie or a really bad rom-com." That was about as witty as I could manage. Thankfully he lets out a big smile in between bites of his chicken salad.

"I think I can live with bad rom-coms and action movies. Also, this baking thing, no problem for me". He giggles and I'm taken aback at how easy this conversation is going. Johnson is trying to get to know me. It's nice. It's comforting. My mind races to my favourite song lyric, It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart. He speaks to my heart, even in his giggle.

Over the past 4 hours, I have seen a different side of him. I want to believe that he feels the same way. I want to believe that inside his head he is thinking about me, and only me. This morning, whilst teaching, I noticed him every now and then glancing at me, even if I was helping one student. I love having him at the back of the room. I feel like I have a loving and attentive audience. He seems to actually care.

"Considering Maddi is your best friend, is she going to completely drill me about anything or my life story?"

I giggle knowing that she probably will.

"There is definitely a high possibility, but it won't be in a flirty way. She is currently dating/romancing my brother Braith. He's the doctor of the family. So, your safe from unwanted attention." As he laughs, the bell goes to signal that it's now playing time, which means duty for us. Grabbing my duty bag, hat and overshirt, Johnson and I walk out to the undercover area, together. I want to wrap my arm through his and intertwine my fingers through his hand. But I can't.

"This is your daily life then? Definitely not what I expected if I'm being honest. I don't even know what I was expecting fully anyway." My head is on a swivel watching all the different games currently going on.

"Yeah, this is it." That was a shit response, Anna. What the fuck are you doing? Make conversation with the hot hunk of a man.

"It's a nice day. Very nice in fact. I've been enjoying it. Just to be sure, there's one more session this afternoon and then that's it."

"Yeah, one more this afternoon and it's pretty easy, Hamish is coming up to the room with his class. They are younger and they read with my lot or my kids read to them. It's nice. Loud but nice."

"Oh okay. That will be fun. I haven't seen the other half of the school, as in the younger kids." He is interested in what is going on. I knew it, he's not just kidding around.

I'm almost regretting the girl's night tonight; I just want to spend some time with Johnson. I need to see Maddi; she will help me figure out whether I do anything about Mr Johnson because right now I want to take him by the face and kiss him harder than I ever have kissed anybody.  

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