Chapter 4

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11:00am Monday 1st June

What a complete and utter wanker! I already can't stand him. Seriously why the fuck would I enjoy having someone parade around behind me as if I am fucking Queen of Genovia. Like my life isn't complicated enough. I have a father who is an asshole, I have brothers that make me wonder if I am adopted, my mother is way too invested in my love life, and Maddi continuously wants me to let my hair down and boogie it all out of my system. Now this, probably giant mountain of a man, thinks that he is going to be the worst thing to happen to my life. Well, guess the fuck what buddy, you can go straight to sucking a dick because you are sooo wrong.

Jeez, I need a coffee just to calm down. Strutting down to the staff room calms me ever so slightly after seeing some kids running around whilst another of my students help one of the year 1 kids up after they fell over. I must be doing something right, I guess or rather, I hope.

Walking into the staffroom through the side door, I must have a look on my face that says don't fucking come near me right now, because Hamish decides to pat the empty chair next to him. He has been my work husband for the past 5 years. We were graduates together, we went through hell together in our first year, but we have also enjoyed numerous funny times together, especially at the expense of some of our student's test papers.

Subtly, he leans over to me and whispers, "Work or life?"

I swear it's like he can read my mind because as soon as he says this, my head flops onto the table, onto my crossed arms and I groan.

Lifting my heads seconds after, I can smell freshly made coffee and there, sitting in a cloud of aroma sits my coffee, hot and strong.

"Don't thank me, just chug it. Once it cools slightly first, you're not in that much need for a burned oesophagus." He laughs at me and slowly a grin creeps across my face.

My life is a gently smouldering ember of heat. I have no idea how this meeting is going to go this afternoon; I have no idea why all of a sudden, this whole bodyguard thing is happening and I also have absolutely no clue where my job is going to lie after Sherry finally reads the email.

How do I even prepare for a meeting like this? Do I touch up my makeup? Do I put on some perfume that I keep in my handbag? Actually, screw that! I do not have to be presentable for this guy. He is going to see my in all my shades of glory starting Wednesday because he will be living with me. So, he can get used to it.

The lunch bell chimes, and I am transported back to my reality of school. I am extremely glad that today is my half-day with a release for the rest of the day. That means I can call Maddi and that also means the Sherry is going to pester me at some point about Johnson. Even thinking about him is making me shudder already. I literally have no idea what to think about him yet. He is giving me exceedingly different emotions. The first thing to do though is quickly do my marking for today and answer those parent emails I have been putting off so far.

Marking didn't take as long as I thought it would, but it definitely is one of the downsides to the job. On the other hand, a parent email about new attitudes at home was a fun one to respond to. I swear if I could be a teacher without having to talk to annoying parents it would be the best job in the entire world. Although for me it already is, that would just be an added bonus.

The end of the day is looming closer and I am so nervous about this meeting. I really shouldn't be because after all, I will technically be his boss, but still shit's about to get real. I do kind of have an unfamiliar feeling in my stomach of small little butterflies deciding it's a great idea to go completely mental in my stomach. Calm the hell down Annabelle. Why am I so nervous?!

* * * *

The Hogwarts soundtrack sounds from my desk just a few minutes after the bell and those butterflies return. I see Johnson's caller ID flash on my phone screen. Good lord, I need to change his ringtone to the Bond theme, so I know it's him whenever I hear it. Answering the call, I whisper "Hi. I'm guessing you're here?"

"Yes, I am. I am in the carpark near the church. Where do I go?"

"Walk in through the gate where all the kids are leaving, and I will meet you there. Have you got any ID on you at all? My principal may want to see you."

"Yes, I do. I always carry it with me. See you in a minute."

He hangs up before I have a chance to even say okay. I don't want to do this!

Racing downstairs, I'm almost jogging to the pick-up area because the longer he is there unsupervised, the more kids that are going to be asking questions and the more teachers I need to explain this too, which I really am not in the mood for right now. Getting closer to the covered area, I get hounded by kids saying their goodbyes for the afternoon, but then through a wave of children shaped goblins, I see him. He's dressed exactly like James Bond. Black suit, a tie that is a little too light for his colouring, and trousers that could possibly be a little looser, especially around the thighs. OH MY GOD, ANNABELLE STOP LOOKING AT HIS THIGHS! To be honest I should be more envious of his jet black, luscious looking hair that is way too perfectly styled to be done by a normal person.

Getting even closer, I can make out even more insignificant details of my new bodyguard. He has a chiselled jaw, although you won't be able to tell in a few days after the stubble continues to thicken. His eyebrows are way too good to be on a man. Seriously, mine takes money and time to get even close to presentable. His are probably untouched masterpieces. The suit jacket is becoming a little too fitted around his biceps as his arms tense walking through the groups of children. WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE HOT! Seriously, why could my father actually choose someone that might be a little easier for a woman to be around without these stupid butterflies coming into it?

He has seen me, and no doubt recognises me from old press photos of our family. Thank god I put something decent on today. The tight-fitting, lilac pencil skirt matched with the silk black tank is one of my favourite outfits, although normally it isn't used to make a good impression on my new bodyguard. Shit! I didn't even think to check my hair, it's probably all over the shop. That's just going to have to be dealt with another day.

Fuck he's here!

"Johnson? Hi, I'm Annabelle." I whisper as I reach out my hand waiting for him to take it.

"Ms Kerr, hi. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Fuck. Me.

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