𝓓𝓸 𝓘 𝓦𝓪𝓷𝓷𝓪 𝓚𝓷𝓸𝔀?

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A/N - the song for this chapter will be Do I Wanna Know - Arctic Monkeys. (I recommend the slowed down version)

Suggested by 

Thank you all for reading my story and enjoying it. I am so grateful <3




You sat in the bathroom staring at the seductive outfit. You thought it was beautiful but you were still shocked that Kylo Ren bought you this. So many questions ran through your head, but you had to get ready ASAP.

You were supplied with hair tools and make up. Your anxiety grew stronger and stronger, you really didn't know what you were about to get into.

You took a deep breath and looked yourself in the mirror. Dark smokey eyes and you couldn't forget your signature red lip. You slicked your long hair into a sleek pony tail, that travelled all the way down to your ass. The best you've looked in a while.

You stepped into the outfit and checked yourself out, wow. This was a whole look, you never tied your hair back and wore dark eyes, you looked different. This was like a darker version of Cherry Bomb.

You loved it.

You were supplied with a long black silk gown to cover yourself up until you reached your destination. You walked out of the bathroom with Kylo nowhere to be seen.

There was a knock at the door.

You opened it to find two stormtroopers.

"We are here to escort you, Miss Y/N."

You nodded your head and followed the troopers, the silence was deadly.

And awkward.

You arrived to a hallway with grey doors, the trooper activated it with a bunch of digits that he punched into the keypad. The doors swiped open to find a dark room, with a silver pole dead in the middle of it. Your eyes widened to see that you had company.

The Knights of Ren.

They had all sat on chairs around the pole, all their heads turned towards you. You gulped. Your mouth went dry and your knees went weak, you hoped that the ground would just swallow you up. You seen from the corner of your eye a large figure approaching you.


"Supreme Leader, what am I doing here?" You asked in fear.

"Ah, you're going to perform for my knights and I. Cherry." His dark voice replied, with a slight chuckle.

"Y/N, is fine." You said, it actually made you uncomfortable when he called you that, but why?

"Hm, I prefer Cherry." He said full of confidence.

You froze. You could perform for anyone in the galaxy, but the Knights of Ren and Kylo himself? Something about it made you so nervous and uncomfortable. It felt like your first ever time performing. Your breathing started going unsteady, sweat formed below your hairline, you thought you were going to have a panic attack.

"Whats the matter, Cherry? Nervous are we?" One of the knights had said, leading to the rest to laugh abruptly.

"SILENCE!" Their leader shouted.

"S-sir, if it's not much trouble.. may I request they remove their helmets? I would feel much more comfortable and would be able to perform at my best for you all, if you all do so." You asked hoping that there wasn't going to be a burning hot saber go through your abdomen at that very moment.

He looked down at you and stayed silent for a moment. "I suppose."

They all removed their helmets without ease. The Knights of Ren were gorgeous, but they couldn't compare to Kylo. He stood out the most to you.

After observing these gorgeous men, you felt more relaxed, this uneasy feeling now felt lifted. You turned to see an outstretched hand, a wordless order to take his hand to guide you to your position. You took his hand and he looked down at your petite hand in his, he smirked and you heard the words in your head,


You knitted your eyebrows as you didn't know if you should be offended or took it as a compliment.

You stood at the pole and watched and Kylo sat down on his chair. He gave you a slight nod and the music started playing.

You looked around you playing with your fingers while they all looked at you. You started to feel slightly nervous again. You released the belt of your robe as it fell to your ankles, kicking it away from you.

You quickly got into it, feeling yourself and doing a routine that you had to make up as you go along, but the knights were like horny dogs, they were cheering you on and you were enjoying the positive feedback, you looked at Kylo who was just staring at you, lost in you. Emotionless.

You started to really get into it now, you walked away from the pole towards some of the knights, teasing them as you brushed past them.

(song change. Doja Cat - Rules. DO IT.)

You felt this darkness come over your, something possessed you. It made you feel, alive.

You twirled and dropped to the music, you felt like it was home. You stared at Kylo as you licked the pole, teasing him.

You ripped open the bodysuit exposing your body and the knights growled at you, they were hungry for you. Some of them actually rubbing their regions over you, you felt wild.

"Do not touch them."

You turned to Kylo and smirked, you walked over and sat down on the floor in front of him, putting you legs straight up in the air, slowly spreading them down into the splits as you mouthed the words from the song to him,

"Do I make you horny baby?"

His jaw dropped. His eyes turned red with lust and fury. How dare you try and seduce him like that, he is the Supreme Leader, he will not be seduced. He must teach you a lesson.

You were finally finished when Kylo stood and the music ended. You bent down and grabbed the gown, putting it around you and tying it. You felt a grope at your breasts from behind and turned to see one of the knights trying to assault you.

You quickly jumped out off his touch and your eyes turned black, you reached one hand to his throat and your other hand reached out from behind you, the force snatched Kylos lightsaber from his belt into your hand you pointed it to the knights chest and ignited it, burning a hole through his body. You dropped his limp body to the ground and the knights and Kylo just stood in complete shock.

It all happened so quick.

Your eyes turned back to their original colour to realise that you were in a trance, you looked down as the smell of burning flesh was stinging your nostrils to the sight of a dead body at your feet and a saber in your hand. Not just any lightsaber.

It was Kylo Rens.

You slowly turned round to Kylo with tears in your eyes and you knew this wasn't going to go well for you.

"Oh fuck." you thought to yourself.

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