𝓣𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓑𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓲𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼

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This was meant to be the final chapter, but I really can't part ways with this story and the love and support you have given me! I can't appreciate it enough. The next chapter will be the final chapter, so just a warning to you all! Though check out my new Ben Solo/Kylo Ren fan fiction! Lots of Love <3



After a beautiful few days travelling from planet to planet, relaxing and settling agreements amongst the First Order and other organisations with your new husband, you felt like a whole new woman, the past was completely behind you and you were ready to start anew. 

You stood inside your quarters rearranging your artificial plant that hung from a floating shelf above your living area. 

'How many times do you need to fix that thing?' Chuckled a cheerful Kylo, putting his hands round your stomach and kissing you on the back of the head. 

'Hm. Good morning to you too, Kylo.' You closed your eyes and took in his embrace. 

'Whats your plans for today, Empress?' He winked, as he walked over to the kitchenette, pouring some coffee for himself. 

'Well, I have a meeting with General Kordall, we may have found a new base that is going to comply with us and allow us to build weapons there, then I have to make a few arrangements with Hux for a surprise baby shower for Maddie. Then maybe a few hours training with Phasma.' You smiled over at him, he was lost in your words. 

'You sure you can handle all that?' He took a sip from the coffee, screwing his face up at the sour taste.

You walked over and rubbed his shoulder, 'Trust me, I can handle anything.' You smiled and kissed his cheek, stepping onto your tip toes. 'By the way, that coffee is from yesterday.' You walked away giggling as he spat the rest out into the cup. 




You exited the meeting hall on planet Safuu, shaking the hand of General Kordall. 

'Its a done deal, Empress.' He smiled as he held your hand in a firm grip, bowing his head to you. 

'Its my pleasure, General. We look forward to working with you. We will be in touch with any further details.' You smiled, proud as punch for dealing with business with Kylo's guidance, you were doing well for yourself. 

You bid your goodbyes to the people of Safuu, a neutral planet that had submitted to the First Order. You boarded your ship and headed straight into hyperspeed. 




Kylos POV

You meditated in yours and now your wife quarters. You closed your eyes and saw your beautiful wife, dealing with business for your empire. You watched as the young handsome General Kordall, touched her delicate hand and shook it in the most gentleman manner, but with firm grip. This almost made your blood boil, you hated the thought of anyone touching her. She was all yours and you were afraid of someone taking her away from you. 

You thought the best off your wife, how independent she was. But there was one thing.. 

Everyone looked up to her, everyone wanted to speak with Empress, everyone went to their Empress with their issues, even the knights of Ren. Not Kylo, no-one really came to Kylo. They were afraid of him. Y/N has good in her heart but enough darkness to rule the Empire alongside you. Balance. She had balance. 

But she wasn't ruling the empire alongside with you. 

She was ruling the First Order, you were working alongside her.

Jealousy coursed through your veins. Were you really getting jealous of your own fucking wife? You needed to snap out of this facade. 

A new wave of darkness took over your mind, a deep dark hole burned through your head, you were falling deeper and deeper into this hole and you couldn't get out. 

A voice echoed through your ear drums, a familiar voice but you couldn't quite catch who it was. 

'Kill her.'

'Who are you?! I can hear you but I can't see you.' You shouted internally. 

'Kill her and take back what is yours!'

You swallowed thickly to find the creature you thought you quickly got rid off, you thought he could never possess you ever again, but you were wrong. He was back to haunt you and this time, you couldn't fight back, you couldn't fight against the fact that this creature has fully taken over your mind from beyond the grave. 

His sinister laugh pierced through you, the image so clear that it was like he was standing right before your eyes. Your eyes turned black and a stronger darkness took over your body, paralysing every muscle.

'No. It can't be.' 




Supreme Leader Snoke.

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