Later • Adam D x Reader

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You dragged the child in by his swimming top. This was the third damn time you had to drag this kid in, and save him from drowning.

You leaned the board on a stand that rested in the sand. You crouched down to the child's height, "now please, for the love of God, don't go into that area of the water, there's a rip! I can't keep saving you, there are others I need to help too." You spoke in the sternest yet nicest way possible, trying not to hurt the kids feeling.

He didn't smile but only nodded, running of towards his parents.

You started toward the tower, you couldn't leave one person in there just in case there was a medical emergency and a rescue to perform.

On your way up, you noticed a bunch of cameras flashing and ladies screaming at the top of their lungs.

You just had to investigate, and also remove everyone as a big group like that is dangerous.

You put on a smile as you moved throughout the crowd, you didn't even get a glimpse at the person before telling everyone to move on.

Of course no one listened, so when you turned around and discovered it was Adam Driver, you were shocked, and almost decided to join in with the screams.

You gathered yourself before giving him your brightest smile, "sir, would you like to come with me?"

His eyes widened and he nodded as if to say 'get me out if here'.

You walked off towards the tower with Adam behind you, and a group of girls behind him.

You opened the door to the tower and kept it open for Adam, then shut it before any of the girls could get in.

You gestured towards a chair in the tower for him to sit at, you were about to have lunch, and someone was looking out the windows with their binoculars, so you could have a break.

Or until the guy with the binoculars sees someone struggling to swim.

But for now, you decided to have a chat with the handsome hunk Adam.

You grabbed a banana out of your bag and leaned against a shelf. As you peeled the banana you asked, "so what brings you here?"

He crossed his arms over his chest and smiled while leaning into the chair, "I needed a break from filming."

You chuckled, "well, you clearly chose a great, quiet vacation."

You ate a small bit of the banana. "Well, I heard great things about this place and its lifeguards."

You swallowed the banana and almost choked, because he made direct eye contact with you when he made that comment.

You went to take another bite of the banana when Adam made another interesting comment, "I heard one of the ladies here was an excellent lifeguard and she's pretty hot in a swimsuit."

This remark left your lips lingering on the banana for a few seconds. It may not have been about you, but the thought of him saying something like got you all hot and bothered.

You and Adam were just staring intently at each other, taking in each others appearances.

Both of you had completely forgotten about the other person in the room. "Ok, this may seem a bit straight forward for the both of you, and I apologise Adam," he turned and looked at the both of you, "I wasn't looking at either of you and I can feel the sexualising tension between you two."

Your eyes went wide and Adam smirked at you.

"Oh, and by the way," your co worker started, "that kids is in a rip again."

You groaned so loudly and face palmed, "I swear to God, I'm going to be having a stern word with his parents if he does it one more time!"

You hadn't even had a chance to finish your banana, so, in a joking matter (even though you just met Adam) you threw the banana at Adam making it land on his groin, and said, "I'll finish it later," while giving him a cheeky wink.

As you left, you heard the loudest groan from you co worker.


I am sooooo so so so so sorry i haven't updated in a while, just haven't had a great few weeks.

And i apologise for it being short, I just don't have a lot of ideas for this atm, so i will gladly take requests, but I will only be doing the name as (Y/N) cuz i think its fair.

Thank you everyone for putting up with me :))

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