Please dont leave me

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I quietly slipped into my bedroom. My mother and her boyfriend was both passed out on the couch along with some of my mothers friends. I quickly changed out of my work uniform and out on my black leggings and grey tank top. I jumped into bed and closed my eyes. I let out a sigh and rolled over. I grabbed my phone and plugged it in and took off my glasses.

I heard the familiar ding and picked my phone up.

"You okay?" Mel asked me.

"Yeah." I responded. I laid my head back onto my pillow and warm tears threatened to spill.

"Do you need me to pick you up tomorrow too?" She asked.

"Yes that would be great. My mother has her boyfriend and some friends over and I don't know if they will be here tomorrow or not." I replied. I felt a tear slip out of my eye and I quickly wiped it away.

"You sure your okay?" She asked. I sighed.

"Is it possible for you to come here a little more early than normal. If not it's okay." I asked.

"Yeah I can do that. Why what's up?" She asked.

"Her boyfriend just isn't the nicest." I said.

"Yeah I'll get there early." She said.

"Okay. Thank you. Maybe you should get some sleep, your probably exhausted." I said.

"Yeah I am pretty tired. You get some sleep too babe. I love you." I smiled to myself. Mel was literally the best manager ever. She was like a mom to me.

"I love you too, night" I responded quickly. I sat down my phone next to my glasses and quickly fell asleep.


I woke up and quickly put on a long sleeved shirt. I stuffed my work things in my chair and slipped out of my room. All of my mothers friends was still passed out and the room reeked of alcohol. I quietly picked up the trash and wiped down all the counters in the kitchen. I quietly went back into my room.

I started to carefully apply some foundation and concealer over my face and neck to hide the bruises. I put on a little bit of mascara and some chapstick and checked the time. It was only 8:30 in the morning. I sighed and sat down on my bed. I heard my sister talking in the other room with her boyfriend. I heard her window open and I looked out mine. He jumped out and ran down the road to where his car was parked.

I looked away from the window. Glass shattering made me jump. I heard laughter from the living room and figured everyone was awake. I peaked down the hallway and saw someone had broke the glass part of the coffee table. It's not the first time it has happened, but it is difficult to clean. I watched her friends file out and saw her boyfriend in the kitchen making himself something to eat.

"Make me some eggs." My mother said. I heard him say okay and my mother looked down the hallway.

"Hey Ashlynn, you need to have this mess cleaned up before you can go to work." She said. I sighed and slipped out of my room and walked into the living room. I sat down on the floor next to all the glass and started pushing it into a pile with my hands. I had no clue where the broom was and I didn't want to waste any time looking for it.

I got up and grabbed a bag to put it in and started to scoop up glass with my hands. I heard my sister come down the hallway and walk past me into the kitchen. She hopped up on the counter and stared at me.

"What happen there?" She asked.

"Will got a little carried away this morning." Mother said. She nodded and turned away. I tuned out there chatting and continued to pick up the glass.

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