9. Suga

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Fuck, this is not a movie, and look at that man, holding my girl like that. If it wasn't for Dan, I would have shot that man right here, right now, in front of her. I would have shown her that she is my Queen at last. Couldn't care about love but what mine is mine. Jk thought.

Members gulped heavily when they saw that Jk's palms were in fist and his eyes were piercing through those two birds whose feathers just got tangled with each other.

Jk and Dan were already on the eggshells and this situation didn't make it any better, specially the topic was Rachel only both the times.

Flashback (5 days ago, in the living room)

"Fuck, JOEL KING, are you planning what I am thinkin'?" RM shouted while fisting on the wooden table.

Jk shot open his eyes and looked at RM and smirked.

He moved forward and leaned on his knees, while resting both of his forearms on his thighs and said

"As usual, I expect no less from you Mr. Brainy" Jk winked which made others raise their eyebrows, totally unaware of their conversation's point.

"What are you both talking about?" Hobi asked

"Ask our Kingpin" RM said while smirking. Which caused members to look at Jk.

"I am going make her our Queen, my wife" Jk said while drinking his bourbon.

One more fist banged on the table but this time it wasn't RM's but of D's.

"I don't like her. I refuse to accept her my Queen" D shouted which halt the action of others in shock.

No one ever refused anything that Jk asked or commanded. This was first and Jk wasn't amused either. But the more shock was that D was giving reaction to something, as if he finally cared about something or someone he doesn't want or like.

Jk was surely intrigued by the reason behind it. He kept his cool and asked

"Reason" just one word and that sent shivers to everyone, even D but he didn't back out.

"I DON't like her. I don't even like her name. That's it." D said while looking at Jk. And he was right, he definitely didn't like her, specially her name, 'Rachel'.

Jk scoffed in disbelief and members just kept looking at D in bewilderment. They couldn't understand D's such nonsense argument.

They did like Rachel in terms of being their Queen. She was surely suitable for it.

"That's the reason? As you said, we are mafias, we don't play these stupid games. What I decided is final.

You don't find woman like her everyday, and I cannot make a shy, timid girl my wife. You know how risky it is. We cannot always focus on protecting some weak girl and god forbids if someone reaches to her, she would be dead without any further a do. Our queen needs to know how to protect herself. Or at least have some bravery to keep up till we rescue her.

And I am 27 already, this is my last year to find a Queen, and I am not loosing my place as a mafia kingpin. You know how we reached at this point, and how many enemies we have. They are looking for one good reason to remove us from the power" Jk said

This was true, according to Mafia kingpin's conditions, their kingpin should be married by the age of 27 and provide everyone their Queen who would produce the heir later. Without a Queen, there is no Kingpin.

If something happens to Kingpin, the Queen should be able to rule them till the heir is born or till the new mafia kingpin is elected. Then it's Queen's choice if she wants to marry the new King and continue being their Queen or not. As the King is always elected on the condition that he is single and bachelor. As he may have to face more enemies at the starting. The people should be satisfied by the King's rule or be afraid of him. Fear surely executes power.

If she says no, she can go on and continue her life like before but the eyes will always be on her until they trust her to keep their secrecy from government's law and enforcement.

Members knew how long Jk had waited for them to have perfect Queen and now that he finally found one, Jk didn't expect any disagreement.

Jk definitely didn't care about love or any bullshit. He just wanted someone who would be suitable for such position. And Rachel? She perfectly fit in many categories.

"I will never accept her as our Queen, just remember that Jk" and with that D left the room and didn't return because he didn't want to see Rachel at all. Reason? Simple. He hates that name.

Present time

Rachel kept looking at the guy who still had her in his arms. His eyes were hidden behind his bangs which were left loose.

She finally stood straight with the support of his biceps but still looking at him while D just rolled his eyes in annoyance.

She stood on her tip toes despite of her heels and with her shaky hands, the heels of her fingertips landed on the hair which were in front of his eyes. She softly and carefully removed them and left out a shaky breath.

She wasn't able to swallow the lump which was formed in her throat. She couldn't even think straight due to the fact that his past was standing right in front of him.

"Dafaqq are you doing?" D shouted at her while yanking her hands away harshly. But Rachel? She kept looking at him, directly in his eyes.

"You have a big scar on your back don't you?" She asked. D kept looking at her, confused at her question and denying to give the credit to even 1% to his doubt.

"If he has, how do you know that?" Jk asked while gritting his teeth. He was more than angry to know how a secret thing is known by her. She was loosing every last shred of his patience.

"But I don't have it. Fuck off. I don't have time to waste" D said to Rachek and was about to go when Rachel pulled him by his hands and forced him to face her.

"Then take out your jacket and shirt" Rachel said on the verge of breaking down.

"I don't have to. I am leaving" but this time it was Jk who forced him to face him and cut his clothes with knife, which was in boots skill fully without hurting him.

D stood there, facing Jk in his eyes, they both looked angry as fuck while D's back was faced by Y/N. She gasped hard at the sight of her. The scar. It was there, of sword to be exact.

By the reaction of Rachel's, he understood that the scar was there, evidently, definitely.

"S-Su-g-a" she mumbled softly which made everyone's eyes widen like a plate, including the two figures who were ready to rip each other out.

A/N: I don't question any profession or country. It's just an imagine of mine and total work of fiction.
Any similarity is just a pure coincidence.

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