11. Crush?

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"You are coming with us Angel" Jk said while smirking.

Before Rachel could protest he put her up on one of his shoulder and she kept hitting him with her small but powerful hands on his back and jerking her legs to get her down from him but he was strong like a beast.

"Angel, please. I don't wanna spank you...yet" Jk said and teasing was all in his voice.

"Yah, Suga. Get me down off him" Rachel shouted at him.

"Uhh-shortie. It's better you cooperate. I am gonna wear a shirt as you said" and with that D ran upstairs to wear something.

"I am gonna kill that bastard" Rachel said while gritting her teeth.

"See Angel? You are already speaking like us" Jk said and got hit at back from Rachel.

"I can walkkkk, keep me down" she groaned.

But Jk didn't and they all head to their car followed by D.

"Can't I sit at Suga's lap instead of yours?" Rachel said while sighing. They were in a car which was 8 sitter. Seven of them sat with the driver so there was so place for Rachel to sit.

"Fine" Jk said with a poker face. And Rachel got up and sat on Suga's lap.

"Wait, you have abs now?" D asked as he felt something weird on his forearms which were wrapped around Rachel's waist to keep safe.

"Ah...yes" she said proudly.

"Uh-shortie. I think you should sit on Jk's lap only. You um...have...fuck...turned me on. Unless...you wanna solve that problem" D said while smirking.

"Seriously Suga? Turned on by your childhood bestie?" Rachel asked

"On my defence, I had crush on you okay? But you had boyfriend already. I even heard you guys when we all were having sleepover at your house. Thank goodness Uncle was out. Give me a breakk." Dan said while rolling his eyes.

"You had a crush on me?" Rachel shouted in shock but other's weren't affected by that confession at all. As they first time saw D to even show not little bit of emotions but a hell lot of it. Obviously she was her first love or crush in his language.

"See you can talk about this from Jk's lap too. Please Rach, your chest isn't making it better either." D groaned and everybody was laughing seeing their big brother in such a condition.

Rachel rolled her eyes and sat on Jk's lap again. Jk took out a hoodie from his small black bag which he always keeps in the car in case he is covered in blood or something, so he could change.

"Wear this Angel. Can't have you making any other guy any more problem, specially me" he said while handing the hoodie to Rachel. She bit her lip and wore it on top of her topper.

when she inhaled the scent of the hoodie, she smiled to herself.

"So yes, I did have crush on you dumbo. I mean a guy spends 24/7 with you, even gives you cuddles when that week of your in the month goes on. How does he know to do all that?

Duhh...I fucking searched on internet how to impress your crush.

But off course I did all that because you were my only close friend other than your brother. But the one and only one to make me open up to you. To not get annoyed whenever I behaved rude, you just hugged me, even if I yank you away harshly.

Just like today. You were and always be my soulmate Rach.

That day when I saw you and your dad die in that horrific car accident. I was dead inside.

I saw those flames coming out of the car and the screaming of people around you. I was standing there across the street waiting for you both.

I cried Rach, the whole time. I didn't even have the guts to face your brother. He knew how much connected I was to you. And so was he.

I got to know from the hospital that only the father was found and the girl must have been burnt and got under that bus.

Just listening to that made me vomit at side.

For one year, I roamed at streets but soon met Jk and Scott. I changed my name and everything. Now my documents are by name "Dan August", not Suga.

I tried to start fresh, chose a lifestyle that would let me vent out all of my anger everything.

Rachel, I could never forget that name. So...when I heard that there was doctor named Rachel. I-I hated you. That how can another Rachel be alive and not mine. Not my fucking best friend.

Then when I got to know that Jk...Jk wanted you to be our Queen...I lost it. I couldn't hear that name on daily bases. It always brought that scene in front of me. And as usual, I couldn't let my feelings out in open and feel vulnerable.

See, even now, you are the only one with whom I can share what I felt without hesitation, at once" D gave a sad smile.

"Yah you dumpling. Don't spoil my make up anymore.

I did it after so long.

And that's why we couldn't find you. You vanished into thin air. The last year of high school was hell without you. I even broke up with my boyfriend because I didn't care about it anymore.

I moved to states for godsake" Rachel said while patting her eyes with the sweater paws of Jk's hoodie which she was wearing.

Jk initiated the hug which Rachel gladly accepted as she needed warmth. But she couldn't have it by D and the warmth of Jk was quire comforting.

Jk rubbed her back and caressed her hair at the back. He smiled at D who was being hugged by Hobi and D smiled back. Finally the air between them was quite down by many notches. Jk was happy for his big-brother like figure. He was glad that at least one of them found something valuable.

Dan surely wasn't the easiest of all of the seven brother-like members. He was the hardest to communicate with but the most reliable.

It took Dan to talk to members more comfortably and a bit openly 3 years. Those three years were the hardest but he was closest to RM and Hobi. Maybe because they were closest to his age and didn't push him much.

But he loved the younger one's too, he cared for them deep inside and made sure that they were safe. Why not happy? Well he himself didn't know happiness anymore but only knew that no one dear to him should die anymore.

One of the reasons, why it took him so long to get along. He didn't want to connect to anyone emotionally anymore but at last he did, unknowingly. When you live with same dorks for more than 7 years, you do get attach without even trying. You create that sense of familiarity which no one can take away.

It was same with Rachel, the only difference was that she was with him since he was 7 years old.

They soon reached the airport and boarded their Jet where again only 7 seats were there.

"Gosh, why is always for 7 only????" Rachel groaned.

"We never thought of someone else travelling with us. You are the first one doc." Jimmy said while smiling.

"Wait a minute. I still don't get it. Why in world am I coming with you all?" Rachel asked.

A/N: I don't question any profession or country. It's just an imagine of mine and total work of fiction.
Any similarity is just a pure coincidence.

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