46. Fraction of her new life

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"JOEL KING, STOP BEING SUCH A BABY FOR ONCE!!!!" She screamed her lungs out while Jk still refused to come out from the closet in which he locked himself in from his wife, standing right out of the place of his hiding, their room.

"I don't like you, where is my Angel?" He whined making Rachel scoff at his silliness.

"Then who the fuck I am?" She threw her hands in the air as she questioned him

"You are Dr King, not my Angel." without even seeing she knew that he must be pouting making her smile nevertheless.

Clearing her throat, she continued her quest, "Bunny, baby, you get those freakin small metallic chunks aka bullets in you every now and then, plus those other injuries you get, you need to have a tetanus shot."

"I NEVER NEEDED IT AND I DO NOT NEED IT!!!!!!!" he yelled back to which she groaned and grunted.

But soon a smirk got placed on her glossy lips and thought he could not see her, he got shivers.

"Bun, how about if you get tetanus, we will do what you were wanting to do these days a lot? R-o-m-a-n-t-i-c-a-l-l-y..."

She broke every syllable to emphasize her 'actual' offer and without any delay, he opened the door and faced her,

"Sex on the balcony?" he talked as if the kid got the candy and she agreed to it by moving her head up and down.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go to the balc-" before he could wrap his huge palm around her wrist, she backed off and conditioned,

"Only AFTER you get the shot." and just like that his shoulders slumped down and agreed to it with a scowl on his face.

Just when Rachel turned towards the door to exit, her eyes widened as she saw her brother being a statue at the door while Jk gulped.

"I-" her brother tried to get words out of his mouth but he couldn't making Jk try to run from there and leave Rachel to deal with it alone but to his dismay, she was ahead of him and didn't let him run by holding the back of his coat's collar.

"I did not just hear what you are going to do to my sister in near future." Rayn finally spoke as he held his hair in frustration.

"And how can you even agree to itttttt." he exclaimed at his sister to which rolled her eyes and fired back,

"Your fault big bro, you came without knocking in the room of YOUR MARRIED SISTER. And don't get me started on the weird stuff you did to your ex-girlfriends, so shush. Now get out of here and make sure everybody else got the shot, I will do his." she glared at Jk at last, who was startled with <lightning> conversation between his wife and her brother.

And just like that Rayn was out of the room leaving the couple alone and immediately, not waiting for any more obstacles, she gave him the shot despite his stupid whinings.

"Gosh, you can have bullets and fight beasts like men but cannot get a friggin injection?" she scoffed at her childish husband to which he pouted.

But in an instant, the pout was gone and she was pinned on the bed already,

"Now, my award, Angel." he spoke while dangerously nearing her lips.

She bit her lips and without any indecisiveness, she smashed her lips on his. Lowly growling in between the kiss, he put his hands under her thighs and without any must man-power, he lifted her and locked her legs around his sliced toned waist while carrying her to their destination.

To say that, in their 3 and half years of their ceremony-cal marriage they haven't tried many new things Romantically would be a big fat lie.

They have always been quite active in this aspect of life which was important to both of them while Rachel carried on with her profession and well Jk with his.

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