Shinkami - Rules - 1/2

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Ship: Shinsou x Kaminari

Top: Shinsou

Bottom: Kaminari

Kinks: Daddy/master kink,

Plot: New into the sexual part of their relationship, Shinsou and Kaminari discuss kinks and rules


3rd person P.O.V.

The first time Shinsou and Denki had sex was about a month ago. Since then the pair found themselves in intimate moments quite often, just like most teenage couples. However the sex had always been very vanilla. Not that either of them really minded, they loved getting to spend that kind of time together. However both of them wanted to spice it up a bit, but neither of them wanted to bring it up in fear of scaring off their partner. Little did the two love birds know, both of them were just as kinky as the other.


Kaminari's P.O.V.

I was changing as Shinsou laid on the bed looking at his phone. Little did I know my boyfriend was staring at my ass the whole time I was changing. I pulled on black booty shorts, and a yellow crop top with "electric lover" written across the chest. Keeping my back to Shin I quietly open my top drawer and pull something out hiding it behind my back as I turn around walking over to the bed and getting on it. Tucking the item into the back of my shorts I crawl towards him.

Shinsou smiles at me. I watch as he sits up leaning back against the headboard crossing his legs. I smirk a little crawling into his lap. My legs on either side of his torso, and my hands slowly trailing up his chest to his shoulders.

His hands move up to my thighs. "Well hello baby." he whispers looking at me. "Is there something you needed?" He asks with a small smirk. I blush brightly feeling him tracing circles in my bare thighs. The plan I had spent hours coming up with didn't seem so brilliant now.

"Well.. umm" I manage, looking down at his hands. They were slowly trailing up to the hem of my shorts, around to my ass. But suddenly he stops, making me freeze.

"What's this?" he asks, touching the item I had tucked in my shorts. He grabs it before I can say anything and brings it onto our laps. I put both hands over my face to hide the dark blush blooming there. He stares at the black collar for a few seconds before smirking, trailing his gaze from the stiff fabric in his hands up my barely covered body to my hand covered face. "I asked you a question baby." He says, but his tone is different. Much more dominant, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

At this point I have two choices. I either take the collar back from him and deny everything, or I go through with the rest of my plan. I bite my lip, it's now or never and I'm already halfway there. No going back now. I let my hands fall onto his lap, looking up at him between my lashes. "It's a collar.... master~" I say accenting the last word with a teasing roll of my hips.

I don't know if it was the movement of my hips or the nickname I just gave him, but I could feel his hard member pressed against my ass. Still looking at him I don't notice as his hands raise hooking the collar around my neck, until it's clasped tightly in place. I gasp feeling his hands travel around my neck to the front of the collar gently pulling on the silver tag.

"Property of master." he whispers with a small smirk. "That's right kitten~ You're all mine~" he says the dominance back in his voice. I shiver, grinding my hips onto him needily. His hands slowly trail down my body coming to rest on my ass giving it a firm squeeze.

Letting out a small breathy moan and blushing brightly, I roll my hips again. Hoping he'll get the message and hurry up and fuck me.

"Do you want something kitten~" he teases, smirking up at me, squeezing my ass again.

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