Ever After High Christmas

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Raven: Why is there a tree in our classroom

Dexter: I Don't Know

Fangirl: I brought gifts for you 

Everyone: Yay GIfts

Brair: No Fangirl

Fangirl: This one is for dexter * Hands Dexter a kindle*

Dexter: What is this 

Fangirl: This is a Kindle. You can download any book in the workd and pre-order books so the milisecond it's out  you have

Dexter: Woah

Fangirl: This one is for Apple * hands apple a planner*

Apple: Huh 

Fangirl: This is a planner. You can plan thing down to the minutes for every day of the year

Apple: OMFGM this is perfect for me

Fangirl: I know. This is for Kitty * Hands Kitty cat toys*

Kitty: So sparkle. So fluffy* Stops talking in ah*

Briar: Am I the only one who Finds this werid

FAngirl: Cupid this is for you* Hands Cupid Falut in our Stars*

Cupis: I have never heard of this tale

Fangirl: It is the best love story of all times

Cupis * Dosen't reply becasue of reading*

Briar: What are you doing to them

FAngirl: Giving Gifts. Maddie this is for you * Gives Maddie basket of tea*

Maddie: * Runs to her shop so she can try all of her tea*

Brair: What if it's poison 

Fangirl: Ceries this is for you * Gives Ceries a meet lover monthly giftcard*

Ceries: ARe you telling me that meat will show up at my dorm room every month. Hole writter of the Storybook of Legend.

Brair: Is anyone listening to me

FAngirl: Raven heres yours * Give raven beats and Spoitfy*

Raven: * Listening to every song ever made*

FAngirl: Ashlyn these re for you * Hnds Ashlyn Uggs*

Ashlyn: * Crying tears of joy for a pair of shoes she didn't own already*

Brair: I'm getting weried out

Fangirl: Time to go* VAnishies*

Everyone: * looks around weriedly* 

Raven : Where did I get these

Brair: The fangirl

Apple: Briar do we have to take you to the nures again

Brair: How eles would this have happen

Lizzie: * Takes Briar to the nures*

Everyone plays wiht there gifts 

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