Ever After High meet Ship : Rexter

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Dexter : how do people know this. I have been keeping it very well hidden.

Raven : WHAT. I only told Maddie I liked Dexter.

Cupid : Finally, I have been trying to get them together.

Ashlynn : Omg, Hunter lets go a double date with Dexter and Raven.

Blondie : What should there couple name be.

Apple : What is going on with the world * faints *

Briar : I ship it.

Maddie : Me too.

Briar and Maddie : * high five *

Hunter : Um Ash I think they should go on a few practice dates before they start going on double date. It is kind of like a sport 

Cupid : Um... there are no other couple that you could have gone on double dates with, how would you know

Ashlynn : Bob and Seenie 

Cupid : Who are they 

Hunter : * Smacks Head *

Ashlynn : They are these two little puppys that live in BookEnd and we puppy-sit them sometimes

Blondie : Quenarming 

Cupid : and you think that is double dating Ashlynn

Hunter : Cupid leave it alone she will go crazy


Hunter : I told you so

Cupid : I am sorry Ash

Kitty : Can I play a prank on your first date

Maddie : No you can't 

Kitty : Why

Maddie : Cause I have something already planned for the second one 

Kitty ; Yeah

Raven : We never said anything about a date, not that I wouldn't say no to a date with dex

Blondie : How do I combine there names well

Apple : Briar how can you ship them, it is not part of there story 

Briar : Apple I am not following my story and haven't you seen how happy Ashlynn and Hunter have been since they started dating publicly 

Apple : I guess

Brair : Don't you want Raven and Dexter to be that happy 

Apple: Yeah

Briar : Good

Apple : and since Dexter is a royal he can make Raven follow her story

Dexter : Wait, Raven would you say yes to going on a date with me?

Raven : Yes

Dexter : Really 

Raven : Yes .....

Dexter : Awesome 

Raven : ...............

Dexter : I am confused

Cupid : She is waiting for you to ask her out on a date

Dexter : Ooooooohhhhhhh

Cupid :  Yeah 

Cupid: Now ask her 

Dexter : Um Raven 

Raven : Yes?????

Maddie : it is finally happening 

Dexter : Would you 

Raven : Yes .........

Ashlynn : ask her ASK HER

Hunter : calm down Ash, but still ask her already bro 

Dexter : Raven will you go on a date with me 

Raven : YES

Head Master Grimm: I got MY Chapter 

Blondie : I got it. REXTER 

Head Master Grimm : Got what

Blondie : Raven and Dexter couple name 

Head Master Grimm: * faints *

Daring  : what did i miss

Maddie : Raven and Dexter are dating 

Daring : Wait a spell

Apple : I know so werid, right 

Blondie : There couples name is Rexter 

Ashlynn : We're all going to go on a double date soon 

Hunter : Ashlynn

Daring : A girl said yes to going on a date with my brother

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