Surprise // Gally

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Hello again 🙃

*your POV*

I'm part of my own group.

What I'm saying is that I'm by myself, alone in during the Flare.

I can admit, it's scary.. but that's what life's about. Well at least everyone's life now. Being by yourself is hard because we only have one pair of eyes.

You have to watch your one back.
Have to pay attention to your own surroundings.
If you don't pay enough attention, your dead.

I used to have two other people traveling with me.
But, one got taken by the flare and the other got shot right in front of me, by WCKD.

Tragic. That was a year ago. Now I'm just trying to survive by myself.

The day was the same.

And very very long.

Like any other day I got up and took down my tent made from towels and blankets I found in abandoned buried buildings.

I stuffed the towels and blankets in my backpack along with my flashlight.

I stuck my knife in my makeshift knife pocket. I put my scarf over my mouth to act as my mask.

I don't want sand to get in my mouth, nor do I want it in my eyes, but there's not much I can do about that.

Once I'm done getting ready I get up and head for the mountains. It seems as if everyday the mountains get father from me.

Yet I'm going straight to them. My stomach growls but I ignore it knowing that I'm probably going to go another day without food.

My legs hurt but it doesn't matter at the moment.

*2 hours later*

After seeing nothing but the same sand over and over. I come across a torn down city, it still had many people in it. Just no full standing buildings.

Either half or all the building was gone.

I decided to stop by. Maybe they would have food to trade for. I walk in and see many older people with torn clothes and tired faces.

I walk a bit deeper.

Then I see a group of 5 people one was a grown man, and the rest were teenagers. One was a girl and three were boys.


I thought to myself. Not always common to find more kid's outside of WCKD. I escaped before they could even get us into a helicopter. Only four people left our maze, one stayed behind with WCKD then like I said the other two died.

I decided to stay fairly close to them. I feel a little safe being close to people that probably went through the same thing I did.

A truck comes by slowly as people start to crowd close to this blocked off part.

I suddenly end up side by side with the group of five people. I'm right by a tall muscular boy with raven black hair.

He seemed about as confused as I was. The people crowding around us have me anxiety, the screaming was one part of the chaos.

The eyes of the raven haired boy and another boy with blonde hair diverted to the truck again. They seemed to look at one of the boys in the truck.

He had a mask covering his face. Then the boy with the mask looked at me.

It felt as if we made eye contact, but I can't tell.

Next thing I know, there's bullets flying everywhere. I don't know where to go.

Someone grabs my hand I just can't tell who. I get thrown into a truck.

Once my vision comes back to me, I see that I'm by the raven haired boy and the girl.

The same boy say in front of us, with his mask still on. My head hurts a bit. I think it got hit by something.

I felt a warm liquid from my head I bring my hand down from it. I realize that I'm bleeding, I just brush off the thought away.

Soon we get pushed out of the truck, I land on the ground but stand up.

What is this place?

I think to myself.

My thoughts get interrupted when I'm bumped into by the older man of the group of 5.

He starts to beat up one the people who put us in the truck.

"WHERE IS SHE!!!" He repeated to say that as he punched him.

The girl runs up to him "I'm right here!!" She says frantically as she pulls the older man off.

They hug each other.


I thought to myself.

I join the three younger boys.

The tallest boy with the mask on stand in front of the four of us.

"Where all on the same side here!!!" He yells as he holds his gun close to his chest

"What do mean on the same side, who the hell are you?!" The raven boy says.

Masked boy pauses for a moment we all stand there waiting for an answer.

He then takes of his mask to reveal his face.
He had amazing bone structure and his eyes where beautiful.

He looked at the raven haired boy. "Hey greenie.." he said with a nice deep voice.

"Gally.." the boy said weakly, and almost as if he won't believe he's in front of him.

I stand there still confused on what's happening.

Greenie runs up to Gally and punches him. I jump a bit, not quiet expecting that to happen.

They were on top of each other while the guns of the other men and women were being pointed at greenie.

"Stop it's all right, it's all right!" Gally said calmly as he was holding back Greenie.

The blonde haired boy ran up to greenie and held his fist back from punching Gally again. "Stop it. Stop!" He said calmly.

"He killed chuck.." greenie said quietly, yet filled with anger. "Yeah I know I remember I was there to.." the blond boy said, I just now caught on to his thick British accent.

"But I also remember, he was stung and half out of his mind. Ok." British boy said trying to calm down greenie. "Just calm down.." he whispered.

Greenie got up, pushing himself off Gally. Gally got up and looked around. "Kinda had that comin.." Gally said as he held his jaw.

"So who are you?" The British boy says blocking the other boys behind him.

(Mama NOOT!!)

"Better question.. who are you! And how do all of you know each other!" I said. I was starting to get scared that I may be a sacrifice to WCKD or something of that sort.

"Hey calm down... like I said we're all on the same side here.." Gally said calmly as he looked at me with bold eyes.

I can feel the heat rush to my cheeks as our eyes meet slightly. "What's your name.." the British boy says.

"Y/n.." I say plainly "what's your guy's names?"

"I'm Newt, that Thomas, frypan, thats Brenda and that's Jorge" newt says pointing to each person.

"Well thanks for the introduction Newt, I'm Gally nice to meet you princess." I blush even more as Gally introduces himself.

"Woah, Gally showing emotions... I can't tell if I like it!" Frypan says chuckling to himself as Newt chuckles a bit aswell.

"Wow.." Gally says grunting in frustration.

I have no clue what group I just got myself into...

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