Chapter 9

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Victoria's pov

I was sitting in the kitchen sink, contemplating whether I wanted to go to work today or just stay home.

It was now Friday, exactly five days after I saw Luka and he ended our little 'friendship'. And to make my week worse, I've been pmsing since. Just peachy.

I didn't feel like going at all, so I called Kera to ask her if I could take the day off. However, she wouldn't have it.

"No. No. No Vic," she wailed on the other line. "Mom and Nick are not here and I can't hold up by myself. Pleeease come."

I just groaned in response, reluctantly giving in. She knew what each of my groans meant so I didn't have to elaborate. I knew she couldn't run the diner by herself, so that was the only reason I decided to go in.

I'm such a great friend.

I made my way upstairs to go get ready, already feeling a headache coming on. There isn't anything worse than a Victoria headache. Those things are detrimental. I could feel it in my bones that it was going to be a long day.

Making my way out, I noticed my stairs were a little extra creaky. I took a while to really give it some thought, and I noticed it had been doing that for quite a while.

Come to think of it, a lot of places in my house have been rotting, it seemed. My hand went through the wall in the kitchen the other day, which I completely ignored. But sooner or later I knew I had to consider the strange things and give my whole house a renovation.

I decided to get someone to check it out, but I didn't focus on it that much. I simply focused on how I was not looking forward to leaving my house, yet I had to.

Well, duty calls.


The day went by quite quickly, and surprisingly it wasn't that bad. I could credit it as one the perks of being friends with Kera. She was really a cheerful soul--it was hard to be gloomy around her.

She decided to close up early today, and I couldn't be more grateful. After gathering my things, I got myself a donut as I sat in one of the booths to wait a while.

I had to take the bus today since my car was at the garage. That was yet another reason my week was just 'peachy'. Given that I live a little out of town, my bus took longer to come.

I noticed that a black BMW had been sitting in the parking lot all alone. When I really thought about it, I noticed that it had been there a while. ’That's odd’, I thought as I narrowed my eyes in its direction. I couldn't see who was inside since the glass was tinted, but I knew it was a man.

I concluded that the person could be a potential threat, so I decided to go get rid of him before the night falls and Kera is left all alone. Besides, if either of us should take this person and probably be victorious, it's me.

So I did what I do best, I put my nose in it.

Just as I made my way outside, the person started the car and began to back out of the parking space. Annoyance welled up in me when I noticed that he was merely a coward, yet I decided that I wasn't going to let him leave just yet.

I ran and stood behind the car, secretly hoping he had mercy and wouldn't run me over due to my stupid bravery. But to my luck, he stopped.

I tapped on the window, signaling him to wind it down so I could mess up his face and give him a piece of my mind. The person was reluctant but eventually brought it down slowly. When their face was in full view, I felt myself stumble back due to shock.

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