Chapter 15

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Song for the Chapter:

All of the Stars by Ed Sheeran


Victoria's pov

We were on our way back and I haven't uttered a word. After Caleb portrayed his possessiveness towards Ashley, I got out of his way and he 'accepted' her. However, he didn't say anything else. He just walked to the car and we followed in suit.

Ashley looked nervous and confused, and if I was being truthful, so was I. I'm nervous for her, because even though I don't know anything about this mate thing, I would've expected a little more reaction from him.

Also, I just found out that these people are werewolves! I've been living with wolves. What a story.

Caleb doesn't know that I know, because I want to confront all of them about it. He did seem confused as to why I hadn't questioned him about Ashley though, but he seemed too deep in thought to question me.

This is gonna be a long drive.

"What's your name?" He finally asked her, looking at her through the rear view mirror.

"A-ash-ley" She stuttered out quietly and it seemed as though he didn't hear.

"Her name is Ashley.” I spoke for the first time since I saw him today. "And don't be scared Ashley, I won't let them hurt you"

"I would never hurt her" Caleb gritted out, and he actually caught me off guard. All this time that I've known Caleb, I've never seen him so irritated.

"Well you're scaring her so loosen up" I said, matching his tone.

"Goddammit Victoria you don't understand what's happening right now so just let it be okay". So no more Tori? Okay.

"Yea, sure I don't know" I mumbled out and he gave me a confused look, but he didn't say anything. I took a peep at Ashley again, and she looked even more tense and nervous.

I felt bad for making her tell me everything. I could tell she was afraid of what they'll do when they find out she's the one who told me.

After a very long and tense drive, we finally arrived at the mansion and Ashley was practically hyperventilating. I held her hand reassuringly as we strolled behind Caleb towards the door.

He stopped suddenly and we almost bumped into his back. He spun around with a shy smile on his face, the smile that I'm use to seeing. He scratched the back of his neck nervously, and I saw his cheeks getting red.

"I'm Caleb by the way, and I'm sorry I've avoided you for the past two hours. I just never thought that-"

"That your mate would be a rogue" She finished, looking down sadly.

His eyes shot out of his head as he looked to me and I almost laughed at his reaction. I shook my head telling him it's okay. Sighing, he continued.

"Ashley, look. I've grown up my whole life being told that rogues are bad. When I saw you, I was so conflicted. A part of me wanted to claim you right there, but another part of me was confused and...angry" He took a step towards her and took her hand.

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