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Sorry for the long wait! I was having problems with my computer so I couldn't finish the chapter but I finally got it fixed and was able to finish it. This one was originally going to be the last chapter for the episode but then it got too long (20 pages) so I just decided to cut it in half and make it into two chapters. Hope you enjoy them!




Merlin gasped for air and struggled to sit up but she was immediately pushed down. Blinking rapidly, Merlin looked around the room wildly until she focused on Gaius standing over her.

"Gaius?" she said, groaning in pain when her throat felt like it was on fire. "What..." She broke off as her body was overtaken by a coughing fit. "What's happening?" she asked hoarsely as she took in a deep breath.

"You're burning up, child," Gaius said as he moved to grab a piece of cloth and Merlin flinched as those words reminded her about her dream. If she thought hard enough she could actually remember the feeling of the burning flames running up her body and she couldn't help the tremor that went through her.

Artie whined and with a pained groan Merlin shook her head and pushed her blanket away as she tried to sit up.

She didn't get far. Before she could make it all the way up she fell back when she felt the room tilt around her. "Stay down, Merlin," Gaius said as he tried to keep her down. "You won't be going anywhere until we can find a cure for the illness."

"Cure?" she asked groggily unable to grasp what the old man was saying.

"You're ill, Merlin. It seems the sickness has finally taken a hold of you." Gaius sat beside her and dragged the cloth across her brow.

"I can't just stay here," she rasped as she ran a weak hand down Artie's head when he laid it on her stomach.

"Get off," Gaius shooed and Artie whined as the old man tried to get him off of Merlin.

"Gaius," she tried sternly but it was ruined by a series of coughs that she was unable to control. "My throat feels like it's burning." She went to turn over on to her side in hopes that it would help alleviate the pain coursing through her body but it only made her feel dizzy.

"It's best if you just stayed on your back," Gaius said as he helped her when all she could do was groan in pain. Before she could say anything someone knocked outside and Artie barked, wagging his tail, and Merlin cried out in pain when the sound resounded in her head. With tears streaming down her face, Merlin tried to curl herself into a ball but Gaius wouldn't let her.

"Quiet down, Artie," Gaius exclaimed and the dog whined and pushed himself against Merlin's side. "Here, Merlin. Try not to move too much, I'm going to go see who that is." Gaius set the cool cloth on her burning brow and made his way out to the front room. As she forced herself to stay awake, Merlin could hear Gaius speaking to someone outside but she couldn't make out his words.

"Who do you think it is?" Merlin said, wincing when the words grated on her throat. Artie only looked at her sadly as he licked at her hand and Merlin chuckled weakly as she moved to pet him.

She didn't know how much time passed before Gaius entered her room again. Despite her blurry vision she could see the displeased look on the old physician's face.

"What's wrong? Who was it?" She tried to sit up again but she was too weak to do so. Merlin growled in frustration and let herself fall back again, wincing as a pulsing pain ran through her head when it was jostled.

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