Chapter 6

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  "Ugh.............", George started to open his eyes as he heard a knock outside his door.

  "What is it, Clay?", George grumbled, clearly not pleased of his awakening.

  "We have visitors!", Clay opened the door and stepped inside.

  He gasped, "Oh my God! Sleeping together before marriage? That's a crime!"

  George rolled his eyes, though annoyed by the taller's words, he couldn't help but let red creep up his cheeks.

  "Pft, whater, Clay. Now get out so that I can get ready.", he spat.

  "Hm, okay then.", Clay hummed and went back to entertain their guests.

  After he left, George looked over his shoulder and saw Nick still sleeping peacefully.

  "Aw man, I really don't wanna wake him.........", he sighed, I mean, who does? Nick is such an adorable lil guy, you can't resist the urge to stare!

  George gently stroked the younger's soft, fluffy hair, and finally decided to close in.

  "Hey, Nick. It's time to wake up." (Hah u thought-)

  "Hmm...........I don't want to.................", Nick mumured.

  "Please? We have visitors.", George continued whispering.

  "Awwhh, five more minutes pleasee................"

  It was quite hopeless now, seeing that the boy won't stir. Hence, George bent down, and delicately kissed the smaller boys' forehead, once again.

  And at that, Nick slowly let his eyelids flutter open. He rubbed his eyes with his sleeves and adjusted them to the light. His every move was so fragile, that George couldn't help but plaster a small smile of content onto his face.

  "Rise and shine, Nick.", George grinned.

  "Hm......", the small boy hummed.

  George finally got out of bed and went to the restroom to change into a fresh batch of clothes.

  Nick was still daydreaming, putting his weight onto the back of the cushioned bed, analysing his most important features, --his feelings.

  "What is up with me nowadays? Like, what the hell? I kinda like Clay, but then, George makes me feel the same way? I know that I'm gay, but I can't like two people, that's not normal! I'm, not normal.............................I'm a sin, a mistake. I like two people, and being gay is already enough of a sin. Huh, I've never actually realised that I was so useless until now! Hahah, I'm just a waste of space, I'm a sin! Hahah, HAHAH-"

  "Nick, Nick! Woah, woah woah! Calm down, it's okay.", a soothing voice spoke, snapping Nick out of his dreadful thoughts.

  He suddenly noticed that tears were streaming down his face, and that there were way more than two people in the room.

  "Wh-what.......?", Nick stuttered out.

  "Y-you were laughing maniacally, and it was kind of unnerving, so we came to check out what was happening.", a man with a French accent spoke.

  "V-vincent? A-and, Zak, Dar?", Nick choked out.

  "Yeah, you muffin. I was so scared for you!", Darryl's voice came from beside him.

  "O-oh my God, d-did you hear anything else b-besides me laughing?", Nick panicked.

  "Nah, dude. We just suddenly heard that laugh from the bedroom, brr, damn your laugh is, kinda giving me chills man.", Zak chuckled wearily.

  Nick heaved a sigh of relief.

  "So they didn't hear it....................", Nick muttered under his breath.

  "Is everything okay, Nick?", a shocked George questioned.

  "Y-yeah.....................yeah, everything's fine!", Nick lied.

  "Are you sure?", Clay asked again.

  "Yeah, I am.", Nick confirmed, putting on a smile, though it felt a little chilly.

  "Okay then, well, wanna play some games outside? We got Uno and Monopoly and stuff like that.", Clay suggested, trying to enlighten the tension surrounding the room.

  Several agreements were exchanged around.

  "Nice, let's go then!", George said ecstatically.

  "Uhm, you know what guys? I think I'll stay here for a little. I kinda need some alone time...", Nick requested.

  They all nodded their heads in understanding and left Nick with his thoughts again.

  "Wow, w-what.............just happened? I-i've.......... never been like that before.............", Nick struggled to keep up with his own feelings.

  He stood up and headed to the bathroom.

  When he closed the door and looked into the mirror, he gave himself a shock.

  His hair was a mess, his lips were dry, his eyes were red and puffy from all the crying, and his irises were dull.

  He caressed his face, delicately touching his cheek.

  Soon enough, tears were forming in his eyes again, this time bigger and fatter.

  He sobbed, and sobbed, realising that he wasn't his old-self, he used to be charming, open, sane, but now he was the exact opposite, a monster, cold and useless.

  A burning sensation felt their way up Nick's throat again, he fell to his knees and started choking out bloody petals, covered with new, sharp thorns.

  "Why me, why ME?!", he screamed, though it was inside, deep down, inside his body, --a silent scream.

  He sobbed uncontrollably, every time he tried to gain himself he just broke down again.

  Suddenly, something glinting caught his eye.

  He stood up and observed the piece of broken steel, still dainty and sharp.

  "I mean, it wouldn't hurt, right?", Nick chuckled to himself.

  He decided to give it a try.

One cut, "Hm, I didn't get that."

Two cuts, "It's.......................satisfying."

Three cuts, "I feel it burning through my skin........"

Four cuts, "Hah, this is actually quite fun!"

Five cuts, "I love it."

And those were the last words he thought before falling into an endless void of darkness.

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