Chapter 8

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"Dammit, when the hell am I going to stop doing this?", Nick internally scolded himself. It had been a few weeks since he started cutting, and the "hanahaki" shit wasn't helping.

His wrists were covered in ugly scars, left there purposely to entertain Nick, making him feel more numb each and every time.

He could cry, yes, but they were the tears of crocodiles; He could smile, indeed, but there was no genuineness shown upon it. He just cut, that was the only thing that was keeping him "alive".

Blood lost wasn't prone to him, as sanity and realisation would hit him just as he started, but the cuts were still planted onto his skin sometimes, when he just couldn't reach out to anyone, the void all he had.

Nick was sobbing as usual, the same fiery sensation building up in his throat, forcing him to kneel above the toilet bowl and let out all those little roses and cornflowers, each getting larger by day.

Thorns had been implanted into his aching throat, blood was spilled, Nick was still surprised and questioning how in the world was he still not in Hell.

He was so busy reprimanding himself, that he didn't notice the creak of the bathroom door as someone stepped in.


George heard some disgusting gagging noises coming from Nick's room, making him feel very uncomfortable. He decided to investigate what was happening.

What he first saw when opening the bathroom door was not what he had expected. At all.

Well, true, some things were thought right, like the messed up umber hair that looked as if it had not been brushed for days, the black, saggy bags under the younger's eyes, the dried-up crusty lips that were slightly open in shock, a pitiful Nick retching into the toilet bowl.

But the imaginary vomit was not there, instead small flower buds with thorns covering their stems took their place; The imaginary smooth, soft arms became rough and coated with layers of deep cuts, some fresh and some aged.

"N-nick?", poor George had so many questions.

"W-what? When? Why? Ho-"

"Why did you have to come in here...", Nick's timid voice was barely heard.

"W-why did you do this, Nick?", George's voice shook slightly at his words.

"You w-wouldn't understand!", Nick started to sob again.

"Shh...", George hushed Nick, crouching down and engulfing the smaller boy into a hug. "We can talk about this later, first, we need to get you cleaned up."

The older one helped him up, keeping a firm hold on his hand while he searched through the cabinets for bandages.

Finally, he found them. There were just barely enough left to conceal Nick's wounds, he guessed he must've used them up.

Bandages and ointments were applied, explanations were exchanged, comfort was given and taken, understanding and acceptance took over, guilt and remorse washed away.

It was time to tell the last one who didn't know.


Clay was just finishing up the dishes as George and Nick came down.

"Hey, what took you guys so long?", Clay questioned, turning his head around to look at the other two.

George's expression was calm and grave, while Nick seemed ashamed of himself.

"We need to talk."


Clay's eyebrows furrowed, his vision became blurry. Tears started to leak out of his eyes.

"I-i'm s-sorry, Clay. I c-couldn't tell you.", Nick's voice cracked at the end of his sentence.

Clay stood up from the couch, and waltzed over to where Nick was sitting. The boy hung his head down in shame, making Clay flinch at the thought of what he was going to do.

"Look at me."

Nick obliged, ready and knowing of what was incoming.

The two boys made eye contact for a split second, before Clay raised his hand up.


"NICK!", George cried, rushing over to aid him.

The hurt boy held a palm to his red cheek,"I deserved that."

"Clay! Why would you do that!", George hissed.

Clay looked away and stated, "That's for lying to us."

He looked back and picked Nick up, lightly giving him a short peck on the lips.

"And that's cause I love you, idiot."

Nick grinned, the first genuine one he had made in a few months.

George calmed down a little, and gave them a sad smile.

Nick sensed that something was wrong, and asked, "What's up, George?"

"...You said, that you could only be with one,", he paused to look up at the two. "so I guess, you two would be way happier with each other, not with me.", he continued, chuckling disappointingly.

Nick's eyes widened, he grabbed George's shirt collar and yanked him up, ending up in their lips smashing into each other.

They parted soon after, Nick snuck a glance at Clay. "You're good with this, right?", he inquired sheepishly.

"Pft, why not? I got two cuties by my side and 3 cakes to eat a year!", he wheezed.

"Haha, very funny, Clay. But having three cakes a year does sound quite epic indeed!"

Nick laughed along, but not long enough until he felt the same usual sensation in his throat again.

"U-uh, guys?", he eyed them wearily.

"Ooh, right! Hug time!"

The two older boys wrapped their arms around Nick, and the lump in his throat stopped abruptly, a cooling sentiment made it's way up instead.

"Thank you, guys. I love you two so much!"

"We love you too, Nick."

And there they stayed, cuddling with each other side by side, worries and stress could never get to them in their happiest moment.

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