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Parties. If there is one thing that Louis Tomlinson loves more than himself, that would parties.

And not the ones where you wear fancy clothes and accessories, and then plaster fake smiles on your face as a rich boy tries to woe you because your father is one of the richest man in United Kingdom.

Also, not those where you gather with a group of people in a sunny afternoon, seated in a gazebo, tea cup in hand and the air is filled with prim and proper ladies -taught by your nanny when you were younger- their giggles hidden between their dainty hands.

No, not those parties. They're boring as heck and he'd rather jump off a cliff than attend another one again. He's spent the entirety of his life in those parties. And now that he's finally about to spread his wings and be free from the chains his father has bound against his wrists, he couldn't be any more patient.

He was able to pack the last of his things within the span of a day, a relatively fast pace for the amount of belongings he plans to bring.

He had brought with him all his designer's clothes, as well as accessories and footwear -which was took the longest time in packing because he can't just throw them in the special boxes he ordered for them.

Along with his enormous amount of clothing, he also brought with him his collection of books. He was always fascinated with books and he never has a specific genre when it comes to his favourites.

His packages were mostly composed of those two things, the rest of his belongings are easily placed in his large suitcase.

As he closes the zipper on his toothbrush, his gaze lands on the bedside table where a framed photograph of him and his siblings. It was taken a year ago, when they went to the beach, just the five of them.

It was Charlotte's last day with them before she leaves for a possible apprenticeship with Gucci.

She hasn't come back since then. They could only see the second oldest sibling through video calls, she's very successful in what she's doing there and Louis couldn't help the pride rising in his chest. He always thought so highly of her.

Louis smiled to himself, picking the frame up and deciding that this shan't be left in the already empty looking room.

Half of his boxes were already brought down by people from the moving business he hired.

He wants to have the most of his things to belongings sent to his college dorm room because finally, he gets to have his way.

He wasted a whole year in a course his father picked for him and in result he failed the entirety of it.

His father was beyond furious, Louis, on the other hand, felt happy. He finally get to do something he wanted because this after that, his father talked to him and he was finally heard and for the first time in his entire life he was able to do something he wanted that his father had allowed.

"Lou?" The voice of Phoebe made him turn his eyes to the girl, she was standing by the door, biting her bottom lip and her hands tugging on the hem of her shirt.

"Yeah, Feebs?" He smiled, standing up from the bed and beckoning for her to come closer.

"I'll miss you." She said, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. Louis couldn't help but coo in silence because Phoebe has always been the defiant one between the twins, she would always school her expressions better than Daisy did but Louis always breaks her.

He was, after all, the only one she could talk freely too. Her boo bear never judges her and will always listen. He also makes the best advices. She likes to think that Louis and her had the most closest bond among her siblings.

Louis engulfed her in a giant bear hug -just like how she always wanted- and kissed her hair, swaying their bodies as if they were slow dancing.

"I'll miss you a lot too, love." He smiled sadly.

"Will you ever be back?" She asked, well aware of her older brother's dilemma with regards to their father.

"I'll visit as much as I can." He whispered into her ear, never releasing his little sister because now he's feeling the feels and he's being tempted to withdraw all his things from the boxes and just stay with his little sisters forever.

They will always be his soft spot, as if they were his own children. Always above the number one priority and that says a lot because he's the number one priority; he loves them more than he loves himself and parties.

So, yeah. He almost got convinced.

But his little Phoebe withdrew from the hug and smiled brightly at him.

"Okay, I'll hold on that, yeah?" She says, still wearing her beautiful smile that always makes him melt. Sorry if he just loves his siblings so much, okay?

He nodded and raised his right pinky like they when they are about to make promises, they would always seal it with a pinky promise.

Phoebe interlaced their pinkies and hugged him one last time before leaving, about to look for her twin sister.

Louis wiped at his tears that weren't shed, laughing to himself because he wasn't even out of the house yet and he was already being tempted to just stay.

He took in deep breaths and have himself a pep talk, reminding himself of why he's doing this.

And with those words in mind, he grabbed the nearest box and helped in bringing it down for the loader truck to bring to his university's dorm. A smile was plastered on his face because this is it, he's on his last day in this house he never thought of as his own home.

As the last of the boxes were carried in, Louis grabbed his bags and got them inside his Audi.

He glanced at the big, looming house he lived in for the 19 years in his life. Because finally, before he could even turn 20 years old, he's getting the fuck out of it.


Ayyyyyye, waddup. It's me, back at it again with another story.

And this time it's a Larry Stylinson.

I don't know.

I've always been a fan of 1D and my love for the bromances is much bigger than my love for the band, I guess.

My first attempt at a Larry Fanfic.

Any thoughts, you beautiful people?



All the love,

MyS_WIB xx


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