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"Louis Tomlinson." Harry tested the word off his tongue, he thinks it's a beautiful name for a beautiful boy.

"Yeah, and you are?" Louis asked the boy whose cheeks are flushing red still and Louis wants to either pinch or kiss it. Or maybe both.

"Harry Styles." The boy muttered and Louis thanks the heavens above for giving him a hypersensitive hearing. He used to hate it when he was still a kid, but going to therapy and everything helped him with his condition. And it wasn't that bad anyway, according to his doctor, just a bit sensitive than normal but not that worse either.

"Harry, hmm? Well, it was really nice meeting you, Harry." The boy nodded, his eyes trained on the floor and Louis wants to cuddle him, really, he wants to. "I'll see you around then?"

"Yeah, see you." Louis wants to squeeze him into a hug but decided against it, he doesn't want the boy to think that he's a creep or what. So, he started walking ahead of the boy, still facing him though. Basically, he's walking backwards and Harry's looking at him silly and he honestly don't mind --he waved his hand and smiled softly at the boy.

Harry returned the smile and waved back, biting his lips to avoid smiling too much because Louis Tomlinson is just so precious he wants to keep him in his pocket.

Louis huffed, heaving the groceries he bought higher in his arms, he used his elbow to open the glass door to his building. He never felt more alone than right this moment.

It's times like this that he wants to just throw everything he has away and take his siblings and just leave the country. A whole new life for them, Louis doesn't care if he'll be the only one to provide for his family as long as he's with them.

He bent down to place his bags on the floor so he can open his room when his phone rang, he got it out of his pocket and answered without looking at the caller.

"Lou?" He picked the bags up and started walking to his kitchen, the phone wedged between his ear and shoulder.

"Yes, Phoebs?" Louis started placing his goods in cupboards.

"I was wondering if you were the one who left this box in your room?" Louis stopped his movements, curious with his sister's peculiar question.

"Box? What box?"

"Daisy found it, just this morning. She was looking for that bloody cat of hers." Louis ran over his belongings inside his head.

"What does it look like?"

"It's a small box, 2 and a half inches high. It's like one of those boxes for little presents, like jewelries. It's not wrapped yet though." Phoebe listed as she turned the box over her hand, trying to see any other special indications on the outside.

There was none.

"Did you see what's inside?"

"Nope, didn't want to open it. Might invade your privacy." Phoebe says, a small chuckle escaping her. Louis is still confused as ever.

"Good. I'll see to that later--"

"Are you coming home?"

"Just visiting, I did tell you I'd visit you girls as much as I can."

"You shouldn't have left, Lou. We were supposed to stick together."

"I know, love. But, we won't be able to leave that place if we kept huddling together. Someone needs to take the risk to set the others free."

"So, who's this person?" Niall asked, Harry looked at him in confusion.

"Who's who?" They were currently seated in Niall's dorm room, they just finished moving the boxes in and now they are having a break before Harry helps him in unpacking his stuff. Harry knows full well if he doesn't help Niall get started unpacking, the Irish will never unpack these boxes until the time he'll have to go home.

"You met someone." Niall pointed out, poking Harry's cheek where a dimple appears when he smiles.

"No, I didn't." He shook his head, denying his friend's allegations. Because, how di Niall even know that? Besides, he didn't want to make a much big deal out of it. And he's sure Niall's going to be worried about him. After all, he wouldn't end up knowing the boy's name if he didn't have a panic attack and fainted on him.

"I call bullshit on that. Your flaming red cheeks says it all. So, if you don't want me to embarrass you by showing to your place uninvited and scouring that building for the reason behind your blush, I suggest you spill the beans." Harry'a not quite sure if he should be worried about Niall or himself. But, his cheeks betrayed him once again and he could feel them heating up just thinking about the boy's beautiful ocean eyes.

"His name is Louis." Harry mumbled, playing with the rings on his fingers.

"Ha! I knew it! Call me Sherlock Holmes 2.0, baby!" Niall jumped from his seat and did a little dance, Harry had to cover his face with his big hands in embarrassment of his best friend's silly antics. "Tell me all about this Louis, then."

And Harry ended up telling Niall everything because why wouldn't he? It's not like he has someone other than hus best friend to talk to anyway.

"Okay, I'm so sorry but you had a panic attack because you fell?" Niall was red all over the place trying to stop himself from laughing. Harry covered hus face with his arms because he can feel his cheeks heating up.

"I hate you, Niall." He basically whined into his arms, he can hear Niall's laughter that was being muffled by his arms.

"I'm sorry, Haz. It's just--" Niall paused to catch some breath. "How did you even trip when you're wearing boots? And why did you even panic?"

Harry pouted, he's fine with Niall making fun of him. They've been friends longer than Harry could imagine and his words barely affect Harry now.

"I mean, who wouldn't panic when the boy with the most beautiful blue eyes and who's really nice, see you embarrass yourself?"

"You mean, someone you have a crush on." Niall pointed out, a shit-eating grin plastered on hus face. His statement took Harry a back.

"What? No, no, no--" He started to deny his friend's allegation because, no. He doesn't have a crush on Louis Tomlinson!

"Hah! Denial is the clincher! You have a crush on him, Harrold!" He visibly cringed at the nickname.

"No, Niall. I don't-- okay, I find him attractive but I don't think that I like him like that Niall." Niall just smiled at him knowingly.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Harrold."


Eyo, Artist of the Summer Award went to Loueeeee. So proud of that smol bean.

And Niall's birthday, ahhhhhh.

Last week was really fun, wasn't it?

That bloody unseen footage of them stopping at McDonald's has to be one of the highlights of my year. Liam saying "nuggies" will never get old.

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed. I'm still trying to get over the fact that Harry's going to be a part of a psychological thriller, my mental health is shaking.

Stay awesome, stay safe, stay hydrated, and wear your masks. We ain't sure when this pandemic's ending so y'all better be safe than sorry.

All the hugs and kisses xx


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