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He gathered himself before rushing over to the boy who was still lying on the floor.

"Are you alright?" Louis asked, this time he was filled with worry because that must have hurt a lot.

The boy was quick to lift himself off the floor and well, wasn't he tall and beautiful.

The boy was blushing beet red yet Louis was concerned if it had to do with him falling.

"You're face is so red, are you sure you're okay?" Harry could feel the slow build up of frustrated tears in his eyes.

He ducked his head down, shaking his head because he knows full well if he open his mouth sobs would be escaping it. He can feel his air passage thinning slowly and he feels like a fish out of water.

Louis noticed the signs and before he can even realise his actions, he grabbed the boy's wrist and brought him to the thankfully empty lounge.

He sat on a single couch and had the completely compliant boy sit on his lap. His breathing was getting worse and Louis just had to hug the boy tightly and run his hand on the taller one's back.

"It's alright, love. Come, now. Breathe with me." Louis grabbed one of the boy's frozen fingers and placed it on his chest, slowing his breathing down for the stranger to copy.

He doesn't even think that this was a stranger, he just felt like he had to be there for this boy. The way he stood there with his hands deep in his pockets and his beautiful emerald eyes welling up with tears, Louis knew he had to help the poor thing.

Harry couldn't hear anything aside from his racing heart beat as this stranger was helping him, trying to ease him.

And as the stranger had Harry's hand on their chest, Harry could feel the steady beat of his heart and his slow, yet deep breathing -- Harry knows this boy is helping him.

He slowly got in with the boy's routine of inhales and exhales and before he can even thank the person, everything went black.

Louis knew he was asleep, the steady breathing that replaced the erratic ones made him relax.

He still hadn't had his breakfast yet, but he didn't want to wake the boy. Thank the Lord for his workout routine though, Louis decided to carry the boy to his room.

He's well aware that the boy lives in this building but which room, he does not know.

So, he climbed the flight of stairs with the boy sleeping in his arms. When he reached the room with the number four on the door, he was glad he didn't lock his room -- or he'd be having a proper dilemma, seeing his keys are in the back pocket of his jeans.

Once he made it inside and silently closed the door, he inhaled a deep breath because climbing two flights of staircases with someone on your arms is really tiring.

He got to his bedroom where he tucked the stranger in. Hopefully, this one isn't actually a disguised bad person and did all of those in purpose to get in to his room and steal things.

Nah, he doubts that. The boy looked too innocent to be a thief. And too clumsy.

After tucking the boy in, he was wondering what he should do because his stomach's complaining and his pantry is yet to be filled. He decided he should go back downstairs and walk to the nearest cafe, it was only a five-minute walk back and forth. 

Louis was just about to leave the room when he thought about leaving a note for the boy in case he wakes up, and he does so.

Harry woke up feeling exceptionally tired and hungry. He got up, wondering what the hell happened when he saw his surroundings.

Where is he? This isn't his bedroom. The room he was currently in looked nowhere near his. The room looked like its owner is ready to leave any time. There were still boxes by what Harry assumed to be the closet and there was barely any decorations except from a picture frame by the bedside table.

Harry grabbed the nearest one to him and inspected the photo. It was a picture of what Harry assumed to be siblings of five, one boy and the rest were girls, beaming happily at the camera. They were at the beach, each were adorning swimming attires, arms around one another.

Harry couldn't help the small smile from his face because they looked so happy.

He examined each person, they all have similarities and look very beautiful, they even have a set of twins in the family. His eyes landed on the boy and Harry realised it was the same boy who saw him fall earlier.

His cheeks warmed and his heart started beating rapidly remembering what happened. Why is he such a klutz? He shook his head at himself.

He also remembered that the boy was kind enough to approach him to ask if he's alright. He even helped him with his episode. Oh my gosh. He had an episode in front of that beautiful boy with beautiful ocean eyes! And he brought him here! In his freaking room!

Harry knew he never wished as hard as he wished right now that his life was just a dream.

Louis was panting by the time he reached his floor. He had to catch his breathe before opening the door to his room. He walked as fast as he could from his building to the bakery and back because of reasons he doesn't know. All he knows is that he wants to be there when that pretty curly haired boy with green green eyes wake up.


Awww, harry cutie patootie.

I'm writing this the night after One Direction's 10th year anniversary so I'm getting so much feels rn.

And Taylor Swift's eight album is sooooooo ughhhhhhhhh 😥😍😍

And Hamilton at Disney+ like wtf. My fandoms have gone sooooo far. I feel so happy and proud to be a part of themmm ahhhhh.

I can't handle my fandoms. Send me help, please.

All the love,

MyS_WIB xx


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