01. Dad!Finan x Reader

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A/N : This was the first OS I wrote for TLK! I am still proud of it because it toook me days to do it lmao. So this just Finan being a dad and being cute ;____;


Y/N slowly opened her eyes as she felt the warmth of the sun on her cheeks. She smiled at the feeling of a breath in the back of her neck and a hand resting on her swelling belly. Usually, she was woken up by two children jumping on the bed. But it seemed that today, both of them were still asleep. And so, maybe she could enjoy a late morning with her husband.

She turned to face him. Finan was slumbering as she let her fingers run along the scars on his arms. The touch made him frowned and he opened an eye.

"Good morning, love." She whispered. He answered with a groan. He took her in his arms and she rested her head on his bare chest.

"Are the kids awake?"

"Not yet."

"Did the little one wake you up?" He asked, putting his hand on her stomach.

"Neither. Just the sun."

The couple staid a while like this, hugging each other and enjoying the morning calm. It did not take long for Finan to fall asleep again. He had spent the week away from Cookham with Uhtred, Sihtric and Osferth. The four of the them had to defend the border of Wessex. Few months ago, Y/N would have joined them but now that she was pregnant with their third child, she preferred to stay. Her last pregnancy was pretty chaotic. She discovered that she was with a child few days after Uhtred was made an outlaw and ran away with Finan, Sithric and Osferth. She was so anxious about being alone for the birth. The death of Gisela was haunting her day and night too. But fortunately, Finan came back before the childbirth. This time, she wanted to appreciate her pregnancy and being with her husband and children.

Their moment of peace did not last long. The door suddenly opened and Y/N straightened.

"Wake up!" Exclaimed their five years old daughter. Edwen climbed on the bed and started to shake Finan's shoulder. "Come on Daddy! You've promised me!" Finan's growled, making Y/N laugh a little. She got up when she saw Faolan entering the bedroom. The little boy rubbed his eyes and yawned as she picked him in her arms. She kissed his cheek and sat at the edge of the bed.

"What did Daddy promise you?" Asked Y/N to Edwen, still attacking her father.

"He promised me to teach me how to fight."

"Oh, he did?" She raised an eyebrow to Finan and he innocently smiled at her. "Well. Let your father rest a little more. Good warriors need to sleep and to eat."

Edwen got up on the bed and crossed her arms. "But I want to fight now!"

"Come on Edwen." The little girl sighed as she dramatically fell on the mattress. Finan and Y/N couldn't help but laugh at their daughter.

"Alright, alright. We fight this morning." Finan stood up and caught his shirt that he put on. Y/N handed him Faolan. He picked him up and tickled him. The toddler chuckled and Finan started to attack him with kisses all over his face. Y/N held out her hand to Edwen to help her to get up.

The small family made their way to the living room. Y/N gave a piece of bread to Faolan who was sitting on Finan's laps. The little boy was a year and half old now. He was the spitting image of his father with his dark messy hair and deep brown eyes. In contrary of his sister, he was a shy boy. Even if he already knew some words, he'd never say one in front of strangers. Edwen never was. Since the day she has said her first word, she has never stopped to speak, or at least when she fell asleep. She was a good mixed of his two parents, having Finan's eyes and smile and Y/N's hair and nose. She wasn't tall, but she had a mind full of ideas. Not always good ideas, especially when she intended to do them with Sihtric's son. She was her father's daughter; nobody could doubt on it.

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