02. Modern!Osferth x Reader

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A/N : So this is my first request ! Honnestly, we need more Osferth content, this man deserves more love !

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A/N : So this is my first request ! Honnestly, we need more Osferth content, this man deserves more love !


It was almost midnight and you were lying on the couch, watching a movie on the TV. Well, it was more the movie that was watching you. Your eyelids were getting heavier and you were struggling to not fall asleep. Your boyfriend was hanging out with his friends for the evening and you wanted to wait for him before going to bed.

Fortunately, knocks on the flat's door get you out of your sleepiness. You frowned, wondering why your boyfriend would knock, after all, he had the keys. You stretched your muscles while yawning and walked to the entrance. When you heard loud laugher from outside, you easily understood who knocked.

You unlocked the door and came face to face with your boyfriend and his two friends. The three of them smiled at you. Osferth had the dumbest of smiles as one of his arms was around Sihtric's shoulders.

"Heya Y/N." Greeted you Finan, holding back his laugh. "Sorry to bring him like tha'. We didn't expect him to not hold his liquor." He smirked, pointing your boyfriend with his thumb.

"I am not drunk!" Protested Osferth trying to walk away from Sihtric. But he didn't walk much before starting to feel dizzy. You sighed, grabbed him by the waist and he grimaced. "Maybe a little." He whispered in your ear.

"You think so?" You chortled meeting his eyes. "Thank you for bringing him here." You said to Sihtric and Finan. The two men said their goodbyes and left you with Osferth.

You walked him inside your flat, closed the door and helped him to remove his coat. As you hung his cloth on the coat hanger, you could feel him staring at you. When you turned back to him, he was smiling again. Quite weirdly because of the alcohol, but you still found him adorable.

"Y... You're beautiful tonight." He complimented you, his voice quite wavering. But you took the compliment and kissed him, his lips tasting beer.

"Thank you honey." He smiled even more, his cheeks becoming red. You took his hand and dragged him to your bedroom. You gently pushed him toward the bed and he heavily fell on it. "Come on, remove your shoes." You instructed him, as you crawled under the covers on your side of the bed.

You laughed when he struggled to untie his laces. But after few minutes, he finally laid down near you. He turned his head to you started to play with a lock of your hair, wrapping it around his finger. He was still grinning hear to hear. Even if the sight of it didn't displease you, you were curious to know why he was so happy.

"Why are you smiling?" You asked him, caressing his warm cheek with your thumb.

"I was..." He frowned, searching his words. "I was thinking that I should marry you someday."

You froze a moment, your eyes opened wide and your lips parted. You didn't expect him reflecting on such matters. It had been two years since you were together and only few months since you lived in the same flat.

You didn't know what to answer. You didn't dislike the idea of getting married, but he was drunk and you didn't want plan things that he possibly won't remember in the morning. So, you gently kiss him and it seemed to please him enough because he closed his eyes when you removed your lips from his.


When morning came, what Osferth told you was still in your mind. You knew he had the annoying habit to be honest when he was drunk. And so, his words were repeated over and over and you were constantly asking yourself if it was what you wanted. You loved him, truly, but what if it was too soon? Or what if it was just empty words and you were troubling yourself for nothing?

You got out of your thoughts when you heard footsteps entering the kitchen. You looked up to Osferth who had a terrible face. He rubbed his eyes and sat in front of you at the table.

"Morning." You smiled at him before crunching a piece of your toast.

"Morning." He mumbled, pouring himself a cup of hot coffee.

"Did you have a good night?" You asked him, raising an eyebrow. He looked down to his cup a moment, frowning as he reflected about his evening with Finan and Sihtric.

"I don't remember much, to be honest." He answered looking back at you with an innocent expression. You laughed a little before drinking the last sip of your coffee.

"I suspected." You stood up and put your cup into the dishwasher. "Finan and Sihtric walked you home."

"It's nice of them." You nodded, closing the dishwasher with your foot. Finan and Sihtric loved to make fun of Osferth, especially when he was drunk, but they were still good friends. You walked behind your boyfriend and kissed his cheek while sliding your hands along his chest. "And... Did I say something?" He demanded, turning his head so your noses were almost touching.

You pinched your lips as you avoided his gaze. You moved away from him and sat on the edge of the table. When he noticed your troubled look, his eyebrows frowned in a confused expression.

"Did I say something wrong?" He inquired.

"No, no. You said nothing wrong. It's just..." You tried to explain what you were feeling, rising your hands while searching words. But you quickly gave up and let your palms fall on your thighs. You sighed deeply before looking into his blue eyes. "You said you should marry me someday."

"Oh?" After a moment he stared at the spoon he was turning in his cup. You bite your lower lip. "Did I?"

"You did." He said nothing, the sound of the steel tapping regularly the earthenware to fill the silence. While you were struggling with your feelings on marriage few minutes ago, now you were feeling disappointed. You nervously crossed your fingers and look down to the floor. "But you know, if it was just idle talk, it's okay. I..."

"No, I meant it." He cut you. You stared at him, surprised. There was a small smile on his lips as he couldn't remove his gaze from his coffee. "I just hoped that I wouldn't have talked about it to you while being drunk." You couldn't help but chuckle because of the relief. "Why are you laughing?" He tried to take offense, but he couldn't remove his grin.

"It's just... It's just that I troubled myself the whole night about that. Wondering if you truly meant that and if I wanted it too." You confessed. He took your hand and gently rubbed the back of it with his thumb.

"I truly want it. But do you?" He looked up to you, a soft expression paint on his face. You put your hands on his cheeks and leaned down to press your lips against his.

"I'll tell you when you'll ask me properly." You teased him before kissing him again, feeling him smile.  

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