05. Dad!Sihtric x Reader

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A/N: So this time it's Sihtric being a cute Dad ;3; I like that one because I tried to write a situation not always easy to handle, one that I have been through in my babysitting experience ahah

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A/N: So this time it's Sihtric being a cute Dad ;3; I like that one because I tried to write a situation not always easy to handle, one that I have been through in my babysitting experience ahah. I hope you'll like it even if it's quite short !

Sleepless Night || Dad!Sihtric x reader

Since your child was born, nights were short. Two months ago, you gave Sihtric a son. Childbirth had been the most difficult thing you had been through in your life but you made it. You gave birth to a healthy little boy. You were proud and Sihtric was probably even more proud of you. There was no day when he wouldn't tell you how happy he was that you made him a father. Despite the sleepless nights you two were dealing with since your son's first breath.

It was usual that the baby woke up in the middle of the night, hungry. You would take him your arms and feed him until he was sated and fell back to sleep. Sihtric would keep you company and talked to you about his day. Your husband wasn't really talkative, but he liked to talk to you, especially during those precious time when it was just him, your son and you.

But tonight, no discussions were possible. Sihtric wasn't here and your baby wouldn't stop crying. You were walking in circle in the room, trying to understand why he couldn't calm down. You looked up as you tried to remember all the things that could help him to fall back to sleep. But you were sure to have done everything you could. And it made you want to cry.

It was the middle of the night and you were tired. His cries were starting to give you a headache as you murmured him sweet words to soothe him. But it wasn't working and tears were streaming down your face.

You were so focus on your son that you didn't heard the front door open. Sihtric quickly removed the weapons he was wearing before walking to you. He kissed your temple and you finally noticed him. You looked up to him, sniffing. He softly smiled at you and wiped your tears.

"Give him to me." He said, sliding his hands under your son's arms and bringing him to his chest.

You watched him as he slowly rubbed the crying baby's back. And as you did earlier, he walked in circle in the room, whispering words, sometimes even in Danish. You were always impressed with how much patience Sihtric was made of when it came to your son. He was a warrior, fighting for his Lord and sometimes, even enjoying it. But as long as his child was in his arms, there wasn't an ounce of that man. You knew he could spend the whole rest of the night to try to calm down the baby, despite the long journey he was coming back from.

Fortunately, the cries started to ceased. Your son had his cheek against Sihtric's shoulder as he was just gasping a little. His father gently kissed the top of his head and walked back to you.

"I thought you wouldn't come back until days." You confessed him, gently brushing the thick brown hair of the baby with your fingers. Uhtred sent Sihtric to spy on some Danes a week ago. It was the first time he was leaving since you gave birth.

"It was quick." He said just before kissing your forehead. "And I was in a hurry to come back home." You weakly smile to him, your need to sleep becoming an urge.

"I am sorry you had such a welcome. You must be tired." He shook his head.

"That's alright." He reassured you. He pressed his lips against yours and relief overwhelmed your body.

Sihtric, then, looked down to his son. He wasn't yet a sleep, but wasn't crying anymore. His cheeks were still red and wet, but his father wiped them with his thumb. Your heart lightened up as you saw them staring at each other. Your anxiety due to your crying son was far from you now. You were just happy to see your husband back home, safe and sound, and your precious son in his arms.

"Maybe it's time for you to sleep, little man." He brought his finger to the child hand so he could grab it. "Mommy's tired and I am too." He whispered.

You chuckled as Sihtric slowly shook his finger so the little boy waved you goodnight. You kissed your son cheek and let your husband walk to the crib. He delicately put him down and covered the lower part of his body with a fur. He stood a moment to lightly swing the crib until the baby's eyes started to close.

When he was finally asleep, Sihtric smiled. He turned to your bed, where you were already sleeping. He removed his leather armor and his boots before joining you under the covers. He took you in his arms, your back against his chest, and he fell asleep in turn.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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