04. Finan x Reader

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TLKFFF2020 ​ Imagine 1. Finan, Finan shares his cloak with the reader at the fire to keep them both warm. His hands wander occasionally.

A/N: So here is my first work for TLK FANFIC FEST on Tumblr (go check that on #TLKFFF2020, there's a loooot of prompts for this first round !) ! It is also the first smut that I post so heee, I tried my best and I hope it's not too bad 🙃. Finan's hand was supposed to occasionally wander, turned out it wasn't that occasional If I dare say lol

Warnings : SMUT and Fluff.

Cold Night || Finan x Reader

Travelling to Winchester was something you were used to now. Uhtred had always something to do in the great city, things that usually were meetings with Alfred. And so, as Finan, Sihtric and Osferth, you had to follow him.

But travelling during winter, wasn't as pleasant as in summer. The journey from Coccham to Winchester was two days of rides, meaning you had to spend one night in the woods. And obviously, it was cold. Very cold.

The fire was crackling in the little clear as you brought woods. You let it fall on the floor and you sigh, little shaky because of the temperature.

"Gods, it has never been that cold." You complained, leaning your hands towards the flames.

"If we don't freeze during the night, it will be a miracle." Said Osferth, tightening is fur around his shoulders.

"Ya're chilly baby monk?" Finan teased him.

"I am objective, Finan." He replied.

"That shouldn't be allowed to travel with that cold." Sihtric sighed, changing position in his makeshift bed, trying to find a way to warm his body.

"Alfred must be nice and warm in his bed." Uhtred added, his voice sleepy.

"I am not sure, with Lady Aelswith in the same bed." You joked, making the four men laugh.

You moved away from the fire, rubbing your palms to keep the heat. You laid down on the furs, trying to sleep. But the freezing air wouldn't let you rest. So after turning for the hundredth time to another side, you sighed.

"Can't sleep?" Finan asked you, throwing a branch in the fire. All the others were asleep now and the Irishman had been assigned to feed the fire for the first part of the night.

"I am cold." You explained, sitting on your bed.

Finan turned his face to you and you could notice the smirk on his lips as the flames' light danced on him.

"Come." He opened one of his arms for you to cuddle against him.

You pinched your lips, considering the offer. Your eyes traveled on each of your sleepy friends. They were probably aware that you and Finan shared the same bed more than once but you liked to pretend it was a secret.

You finally stood up to sit next to him. He put his arm around your shoulders, so his cloak was wrapping you as well. You rested your head in his neck, your fingers playing with the fabric of his cloak and his with a lock of your hair. His breath was soothing as you let your eyes lost in the flames.

His arm left your shoulder and you caught the cape, so It didn't fall, tightening it more around you. Finan's hand wandered from your lower back to your thigh. Finally, it found its way to your waist, first to keep you closer, but soon his fingers searched to go under your clothes. You shivered when you felt his cold fingertips on your skin.

You frowned and looked up to him, but you couldn't hide the smile on your lips as you already understood what he wanted.

"What are you trying to do?" You softly said, steam escaping from your mouth.

"Warming ya." He smirked.

His lips were lightly touching yours, his beard tickling your chin. His hand continued to travel down your waist, his fingers leaving goosebumps trails. When he reached the top of your trouser, you fully kissed him, slightly sighing at the feel of his mouth against yours. With his other hand he undid your belt before resting it on your cold and red cheek.

Your lips parted when he touched your inner thighs, a deep sigh escaping you. He moved away his face to put a finger on your mouth.

"Shh." He hushed you, a smirking ear to ear, satisfied by the noise you made.

"Easy to say." You grumbled. "Now you said you'd warm me. And I am very cold." You added, your voice almost a whisper as you pressed your hips against his hand.

He chuckled a little, before he leaned his head to kiss you again. His fingers started to move between your legs, touching sensitive parts and making your own fingers tensing up. Light moan escaped your mouth, covered by Finan's lips against yours.

And as promised, the heat started to rise in your body by waves, your toes curling in your boots. Soon it was too hard to restrain yourself and remained the most silent as possible. So you left his lips to hide your face in his neck and wrapped your arms around it.

"Warm enough?" He teased you.

You couldn't speak, your mind blurred, so you just shook your head, your breath heavy against his skin. He started to move his fingers faster until you reached your higher point, body shaking as you bit the fabric of his cloak, covering your moan of pleasure.

He removed his hand from your trouser and kissed the side of your head as you tried to catch your breath.

"Better?" You could hear him grin in your ear.

"Much better." You straightened up to catch his lips, your fingers running through his thick hair.

After a moment, you let your arms fell at your sides. You cuddled more against him, your head against his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and he rested his cheek on top of your head. His fingertips made shaped on your hand, appeasing you and making your eyelids felt heavier.

And you finally fell asleep, your body warmed by the fire, Finan's body and cloak, and pleasure. 

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