I Will Always Be Here

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A/N: Hey everyone! Hope you guys liked the last chapter. To be honest, I liked Draco's letters more than those of Hermione, and I guess that's because it was easier for me to write Draco's letters. Draco has a complex personality, and I guess that's what kind of makes it easier to express his feelings in the letters, which is weird, I know. Anyways, this oneshot is way different than the previous ones. I hope you won't get confused while reading this, but even if you do, everything will be revealed. Read the A/N at the end to find out when the next oneshot will be out. On with the chapter!

Draco gulped as he entered his office. He didn't know whether he was doing the right thing or not. 

It wasn't too late to just forget it and leave the room. But no, he had to do it. It wouldn't hurt to try again. 

He wasn't sure when she had told him to make the spare room in their house his office. But now, he was glad that he did it. 

Draco rummaged through his drawers, he was becoming more and more impatient as each second passed. 

Finally, after three minutes which seemed to him as three hours, he found the item he was looking for.

Nobody knew about it. Nobody knew what he was about to do. Nobody knew that the item in his hands even existed. 

He closed his eyes as he heard someone laughing in the living room. They had no idea what he was about to do. He knew that he should tell them, but... 

No. He had to do this first. 

He uncorked the vial of potion and hesitated. It could change his whole life. But he was willing to take the risk. 

He had to do this. 

For her. 

For them. 

He looked at the vial, and slowly brought it up to his mouth. Three drops. Three drops were sufficient. For a moment, nothing happened.

Just as he was about to give up, he felt somebody's presence behind him. 



"Dad!" Scorpius shouted and ran towards him. "You know what Lyra did? She almost destroyed my new broom! Scold her, dad!" 

Draco chuckled and looked at their children. "Why did you do that, Lyra? You know that we bought that broom just a few days ago." 

"He ate all the apples, dad! He knows how much I love them, and he didn't even leave at least one for me. Scold him, dad!" Lyra exclaimed. 

Draco sighed. It was nothing new. He had to deal with this almost everyday. Scorpius was as stubborn as his sister, and they both refused to apologise to the other person. 

And the fact that he loved apples just as much as Scorpius and Lyra did, didn't help the matter at all. 

"Scorpius, why do you have to do that?" He looked at the almost thirteen year old boy. Scorpius was just like his father. Blond hair, grey eyes, and the famous Malfoy smirk. 

But he had his mother's smile, and he loved reading books just like her. Lyra was a perfect mixture of the two. She too had his blond hair, but they were slightly wavy as well. And she had her mother's warm brown eyes. 

Both of them had a habit of reading books, and playing Quidditch as well. The two were seekers just like their father for their respective house teams. 

"I was hungry, dad. You can't blame me. Besides, we can buy more apples, can't we? She didn't have to destroy my broom." Scorpius rolled his eyes. 

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