The Lost Princess

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A/N: Hey everyone! Hope you guys liked the last oneshot. There were some things that were similar to what happened in Trip Towards Love, and that was Hermione was a Pureblood. I didn't include the reasons in the last one because I didn't want to bore you all by explaining those things. PLEASE READ THE A/N IN THE END!! I HAVE TO TELL YOU ALL SOMETHING IMPORTANT. On with the chapter! 

Credit goes to @baybayway for this idea. Thanks for that! 

"I am good. How are you? We have a lot to talk about." McGonagall hugged her friend, and told her to sit in the chair in front of her when she pulled away. 

"Looks like you changed your office a little bit." Her friend replied as she looked around. "I am good as well. So, tell me, do you have a plan or something for what I had suggested?" 

McGonagall nodded. "I do. But I would require your assistance on convincing him. While it is a great opportunity, and I don't think that she would disagree, that boy will..."

"I know how he can be." She shook her head. "It would be a miracle if they don't hex each other as soon as you tell them. But are you sure that she won't have a problem? After everything that happened a few months back-" 

"I know she won't have any problems. Sure, she will argue with him at first, but we all know that it wasn't his fault. And she sees the good in everyone, so I am sure it will be okay." 

"Well, if you say so." Her friend shrugged. "Anyways, tell me about the plan."

McGonagall leaned in a bit closer and told her everything. As she had expected, her friend liked that plan. "That is a good plan. I think it will work. Maybe she will help him find the lost princess as well." 

"Nobody knows about her, well except that person. But I am sure she will help him. And now, how to convince him?" McGonagall asked her. 

Her friend grinned. "Leave that to me. I perfectly know how to convince my son." 


"Draco! How are you, my dragon?" She hugged him tightly. When she pulled away, she saw Blaise and Theo walking towards them, and she greeted them as well. 

"Mother, why are you here? Not that I am complaining, of course. But, why did you just exit McGonagall's office?" Draco looked at her. 

"My dragon, huh?" Blaise and Theo smirked at him, and Draco rolled his eyes at them. 

"I will tell you three everything. But first, we need to go somewhere else." Narcissa said and turned around, the three Slytherin boys following her. "We can't really talk here, can we?" 

She led them to the Room of Requirement, and thought of a perfect place. She grinned as she walked in, while Draco groaned. 

"I thought I had changed the colours." He exclaimed and sat down on his bed. 

"Wow, Draco." Blaise chuckled. "I thought you hated the yellow colour." 

"You hate it so much that your bedroom at the Manor is painted in that colour, and most of your belongings are in that colour as well." Theo looked around. 

"You haven't seen his childhood photos yet, Theo." Narcissa smirked. "I am sure that yellow was, and is still his favourite colour."

"Can we all go back to the original matter?" Draco groaned. He was sure that he had told the house elves to re paint the walls, and that also in green colour. 

"Sure, dragon. Anything for the Slytherin Prince." Theo pushed him off his bed, and sat there. Draco scowled but sat down on the chair while grumbling. 

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