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Harry Potter pov:

It is the morning of my 13e birthday and i will be happy when i finally can leave this hell hole they just get worse and i'am starting to lose my trust in Dumbledore cause  he always send me back here even though he knows that i'am being abused it is just not fair every one has a loving family and i'am being abused by my relatives and every full moon i feel like  something want to get out of my body it is annoying but i can mannage i was woken up to harsh knokking and a horrible schriecking voice"GET UP GET UP" shriecked Aunt Petunia i went out of the cupboard and into the kitchen.

 I went out of the closet under the stairs and into the kitchen "

S-same a-as a-always?" What have I ever done to earn this 

"YES AND START NOW AND BURN NOTHING OR YOU WILL BE PUNISHED FOR IT"screamed uncle Vernon and Just at that moment Dudley came down the stairs 

"Good morning mom dad freak"he said and then I saw that the bacon was burned and my uncle has also noticed and at the moment I knew I was not going to make it alive. 

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO OUR BREAKFAST I THINK I GET DUDLEY TO PUNISH YOU FOR THIS"screamed uncle Vernon once again  I walked to the cupboard under the stairs and at that moment dudley came in and grabbed me by the neck and threw me against the wall and said 

"T-shirt off and hands against the wall"  I took of  my T-shirt and put  my hands on the wall and he took off his belt and started hitting the metal thing on his belt against my back when he was done with that he took the knife he had taken and grabbed me by the neck and threw me on the floor and he was going to sat on my stomach and started cutting these words into my body 'freak' 'unloved' and 'faggot' that's the last thing i knew before everything turned black before my eyes 

When i was awake again I think it was 11:59 1 minute before my birthday I started counting down in my head 11 ... 10 ... 9 ... 8..7..6..5..4..3 .. 2..1 and when the pointer was at 12 I felt such a terrible pain that I had to put something in my mouth so as not to scream when the pain was done looked in a mirror with a small hole in it and then I saw that my body was more fennime and my untamable hair had grown up to my waist and it was still brown but more wavy and not untaleble anymore then I found out that I did not wear my glasses but could still see well and my body was more girly and I did not realize until now that there was an owl at the window with a letter and this was on the letter and it read.

Dear mr. Potter 

First we want to tell you that you entered an early creature inheritance And that your birth certificate is fake and there are problems with your bank account and we would very much like you to come here and that this letter is a portkey say the word "gold" 

Thank you 

 With best regards 


I grabbed the letter and said gold. And went to gringotts where I fell on my butt"I hate magical means of transport" I said to myself and i went to the main goblin 

"I came here for a grip hook I got a letter that said that he wanted to be with me "I said  

"Okay wait I'll get him" said the goblin a few minutes later griphook came 

"come we have a lot to do okay to see all the information and drop three drops of blood"said Griphook and i didn't expect what i saw

Adoption papers:

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