End my life...

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"Nurse Choi. The patient....Kim....Kim Han Sook. He is going to the terrace. He was saying he can't live like this anymore." a nurse came running towards the three.

Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon looked at each other and ran toward the terrace. They rushed up the stairs past Nayeon and Mina. Even their voices were unheard as their only priority right now was saving someone's life. The the reached the terrace and saw the man standing on the edge of the terrace. He was facing the sky as the clouds began to hide the sun.

"Hajima Ahjussi. Don't." Chaeyoung said.

"First talk to us. Jebal." Jeongyeon said.

"There is nothing to talk about. Nothing." the man said.

"Aniyo. Jebal. Listen to us first." Chaeyoung said.

"Doctor please just let me die in peace. At least I will be peaceful then. I won't be a burden to my family and I will be remembered."

"Remember?" Chaeyoung said giving a sarcastic  laugh.


"You are wrong Ajhussi. Wrong. Understand. No one will remember your positive memory once you die except four family. They will remember you as the man who committed suicide." chaeyoung said.

"But.....they will. I know."

"How will you know?" Jeongyeon said.

"Listen here ahjussi. Please talk to us first." Chaeyoung pleaded.

"What is it?" the man said as he began to turn and face Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon fully who were only few meters away. As he was turning to face them he suddenly lost his balance and almost fell from the terrace but Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung with their fast reflexes caught the guy. They then pulled him up with all their strength. When they all were away from the edge they sat and asked the guy about what was bothering him.

"You know the collapsing of the site? The one I came from. Yes I feel like its partly my fault." the man said.

"Eh?" Chaeyoung said in disbelief.

"Yes. Only if I had checked the materials properly. The contractor had supplied us with a bad quality products. We worked with them for many years now so I didn't bother to check this time. It was my fault."

"Hey it's not your fault entirely. The contractor had supplied wrong stuff. Yes, it may have been prevented if you would have checked." Jeong said.

"I know therefore it's my fault."

"It's ok. We all have difficult times." Chaeyoung said.

"You don't understand doc. You don't understand what I am going through. It's hard for me because of me people lost their lives."

"I do understand you. In fact both of us do and it's because we have faced the same situation. We are doctors. Once we go to the operation theater we don't know if the patient will make it alive or not. There is always the risk there but we try our best. But sometimes even the 'best' is not enough." Chaeyoung said.

"Wh-What do you mean?"

"Just last month we lost a patient while doing a surgery. It was a young teenage boy. He had his whole life ahead of him. His family were there to support him. His girlfriend was there for moral support. Everyone was there to help him after the surgery."

"So what happened to him?"

Sorry guys. Seems like this author aka me have been very lazy to write. Well it's because I have online classes and I work online so studies and work is piling up. But I have decided to continue writing but shorter chapters. Is that ok???

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