Chapter Three

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"Huh?" Touko said, "wait, who are-,"
"Awesome! That's kinda like what people say in the movies right before they battle someone! Listen to the voices of my awesome pokemon!" Touya said.

Touko sighed.

"Alright, let's go Morgan!" he said, striking a dramatic pose.

The oshawott ran in front of him and started flexing. N had to admit, he was pretty cute. The otter pokemon barely had any muscles to show off.

N turned to the two that joined him. "Which one of you wants to fight him?" he asked.

With a flick of her tail, Philomena answered, "I'll do it."

"Okay. I'll help you stay safe, 'kay."

"Roger, roger," she smirked and leapt in front of him.

"Okay, get ready, weird hair! Me and my partner are gonna win!"

Battle! Touya vs N!

"Morgan, start off with a water gun!"

Morgan shot a sprout of water at Philomena. She quickly dodged out of the way and ran towards the opposing pokemon. She then quickly swiped at the larger 'mon. It cried out, then hardened its resolve.

"U-uh, well- You may have gotten the first move in but... Tail whip then tackle!"

Morgan flipped around, whipping his tail quickly at Philomena. Touya and Bianca were cheering him on loudly. Paying no mind, the Purrloin continued to groom her fur. Morgan let out a battle cry and-.

"Philomena, to the right."

Philomena leapt up and swatted Morgan to the ground, but not before getting scratched up a bit.

"You mangy beaver!" she cried, "You messed up my fur!"

Philomena hissed and swiped ferociously at him. He tried to block the strikes with his scallops, but he was being pushed back.

Morgan's trainer was getting increasingly more nervous. "Morgan quick! Dodge!"
He flipped back, but not before kicking Philomena in the face. Philomena growled and then bit hard down on Morgan's flipper-arm. Seeing how exhausted his partner was getting, Touya quickly recalled him and sent out his Sewaddle, Dolly.

"She's a fast one, Dolly! Use string shot!"

Dolly sent out a sticky line of string from who-knows-where. It wrapped around Philomena, inhibiting her movement.

"Great job! Now bug bite!"

She bit onto Philomena's tail. With a rowwll of annoyance, Philomena whipped her tail around and thrashed around. Dolly held on tight the whole time; nothing could beat her resolve to please her trainer. The purrloin kept snapping her tail back and forth, back and forth, until she finally realized how to get that annoying bug off of her.

She hit her tail- and Dolly- into the ground.

"Ahh! Dolly!" Touya swiped Dolly off the ground and into his arms. He recalled the pokemon back into her ball.

"I guess you win. I- Touko beat him up for me, I'm going to the Pokemon Centre," he started to run.

"I'll go with him," Bianca said before following him.

This left Touko and Cheren with N. They looked at each other but then quickly looked away.

"You said something about hearing our Pokemons voices, right? Well, you're gonna hear hell from them for making my brother worried!"

Battle! Touko vs N!

Touko sends out her Pokemon. It's a pidove.

"Watch out for the purrloin, Cooro, she's fast."

"Got it!"

Cooro swerved around the Purrloin, diving in periodically to land a blow. Philomena yowled and swiped at the air, being barely just too slow. The fight was a whirlwind of wings and paws. No matter how hard he strained his eyes, N couldn't see what was going on in the fight to call out warnings.

"Air cutter!"

Cooro slowed down in mid-air just a bit. Flapping his wings, he created great gusts of air that hit the light cat-type pokemon hard. Philomena fell over. She still had a little fight left in her, but N recalled her anyways.

"I don't want you getting hurt, Philomena," he said, "Ken, you can handle this right?"

"Of course I can," the lillipup scoffed, "the future pokemon emperor can do anything."

"Good," N smiled, "you're up then. Good luck."

Ken bared his teeth at the pidove. Suddenly, he launches at the bird like a speeding bullet.
"Quick, dodge!"

Cooro flies just a bit higher than before, as Ken couldn't switch directions in midair like him. Ken falls to the ground then quickly scrambles to his feet. He barks at the bird then leaps for it once more.

"Aren't you going to give your pokemon any commands?" Touko asked.

"I have no need," N responded simply, "I trust their instincts. I'm just here to help out, it's my friends doing all the work."

Ken finally landed a hit on Cooro. He bit down on the wing, and Cooro pecked his face. Cooro was squawking, Ken was barking, and N was resisting the urge to press his hands over his ears.

"Alright, Cooro! Use peck!" Touko shouted over the noise.

Cooro repeatedly pecked him in the face. Ken closed his eyes and swiped blindly, trying to protect his vision. He was growing obviously tired, his movements growing heavy and slow.

"Ken, come back."

"H-huh? Why? I was close to beating him!"

"Your health is low. I don't want you getting hurt."
"Fine... As long as I still get to fight that gym."
"Of course," N turned to Touko, "That was some battle. I could tell your pokemon really wanted to win," he smiled.

"Yeah, of course! Cooro loves battles," she replied.

"I see. Well, until next time," N said before leaving.

"What a strange guy... Well, we better go after Touya and Bel then," Touko said to Cheren.

"Right, let's just hope they didn't get lost."

(934 Words)

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