Chapter Five

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    Aisling didn’t like this, no, not even a bit. She had thought about it through the night, and had reached her conclusion once she woke. Aisling had to do something to help N. If there really were some trainers that managed to beat N… with pokemon that liked them… she couldn’t bear to think of the catastrophic outcomes for their plans. What if they were the Hero of Truths? Or what if they convinced N to go onto their side? Or… 

    Negative thoughts, Aisling thought, slapping her face.

    She would just have to take matters into her own hands. Er… only if her fears were confirmed. She was probably just being paranoid. Too much sleep? Could the increased thought process from actually sleeping cause heightening results? It’s more likely than you think. Aisling decided that sleep was a weird thing.

    Peckscilla was laying on her bed, half-asleep. It was still just the early hours of the morning, after all. Hanging by the door was a pale blue cloak that went into navy blue on the bottom. She pulled it on and headed out the door. 

    Aisling had a vague idea of where she had to go. The library made the most sense for her research. Mother Esmerelda may know something as well. 

    The sword of ideals, she thought, playing with her lavender hair, I’ve heard of this before, haven’t I? Is that the sword I hafta guard?

    Aisling remembered her Lady of the Lake training. The sword was an important relic of the first King. The first hero of ideals. The champion of Zekrom. According to old legends, the King made the sword with Lord Zekrom’s blessing so he could fight alongside the pokemon to see his dreams into reality. At least, that’s what she remembered. There was also something about it being able to vanquish any enemy, and another about it deterring any foe and making it turn sides. That didn’t seem very plausible though. 

    She was so lost in her thoughts that she almost ran into the library door. She shook her head and pushed it open. Aisling cringed when the door squeaked loudly. Looking around the hall to make sure no one was there, she closed the door. It was really dark, so Aisling turned on the light.

    What stood before her was a masterpiece of gothic architecture. It had high ceilings with circular windows in the very top of the walls. Dark spruce wooden beams were exposed, creating an antique look for the room. There were aureate plates lining the wood, imitating embroidery. Navy and white wallpaper lined the room, with the white parts looking like delicate lace.

    This room was still really cool even after the hundredth time she’d seen it.

    Aisling went through the rows of shelves, looking for the right category. She kept coming across old mystery books, and even an old copy of some War book in an old language, instead of what she had hoped for. But she was determined to not give into despair, and keep looking. N had once said something about hope and despair, and it stuck with her. 

    She finally came across the section she was looking for. The Unova History and Mythology section was one of the oldest and grandest sections in the whole library. Where others just were plated with gold, the shelves were gold. The binding on each book was delicate, for the papers were old and crumbling. Aisling scanned the books quickly. She was searching for just one book. 

    “Aha!” she shouted once she found the book, before covering her mouth. Library.

    Aisling pulled out the book titled “Sword of the Kings” and began reading.


Major apologies for the late chapter! I couldn't think of any ideas! The schedule for updates may get weird soon, but I'll try to keep it consistent. The whole week I was writing this I was thinking of an.... odd shipping fic I had read once so thats why theres a couple nagito refrences here and there lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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