Chapter 1

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Third Person POV

Kageyama ran down the path towards the park. He was so focused on beating Hinata in a race that he'd forgotten his school bag.

Everything was silent except the sound of Kageyama's footsteps and labored breathing. Finally reaching the bench where his school bag laid, Kageyama slowed to a stop. He sat down, breathing heavily.

"Shit this is all that dumbass's fault," Kageyama whispered to himself in between breathes. After catching his breath, Kageyama stood up and started to walk back to the path with his bag in hand.

Kageyama was halfway to the path when he heard a rustling sound from the bushes beside him. Kageyama froze and stared at the bushes, expecting something to burst out. When nothing came out, Kageyama let curiosity take control of him.

Kageyama stealthily peeked between the gap in the bushes, trying to look at the thing that made the noise. Unable to see clearly through the bushes, Kageyama dropped his bag and carefully snuck around the bushes, hiding behind trees to make sure he wasn't seen.

Slowly, the thing that made the noise came into view, making Kageyama let out a stifled gasp of surprise.

Sitting in the middle of a small clearing was Shouyo Hinata. The small blocked wore a flower crown made of pink roses and a soft smile decorated his face. In his hands was a small, pitch black kitten that he seemed to be feeding.

The part that surprised Kageyama was the large, white wings sprouting from Hinata's back. A faint white glow surrounded Hinata, reflecting the moon and stars.

Beautiful, was Kageyama's only thought.

Subconsciously Kageyama took a step forward, causing him to step on a stick. A loud crunch filled the otherwise silent air, making Hinata look around with an alarmed look on his face.

Hinata looked around the clearing, his eyes landing on Kageyama who was peeking from behind the tree.  Hinata stood up slowly and walked over to Kageyama.

  "Wake up, Kageyama," Hinata said, tapping Kageyama's forehead. Kageyama looked at Hinata in confusion before grabbing his head.

  "What the-" Kageyama tried to speak but his vision started to spin and blacken. He started to fall forwards, towards Hinata who just repeated himself.

  "Wake up, Kageyama."


  Kageyama's head shot off his pillow. He looked at the time displayed on the clock next to his bed. Kageyama sluggishly got out of his bed and walked to his closet. He quickly got changed, almost falling asleep 2 times along the way.

  After he got ready, Kageyama slowly walked out the house, towards the school.

  So... tired...

  Kageyama continued to walk, slowing down as he got closer to the school. Once he was at the school entrance, Kageyama stopped. He stared at the school for a minute before starting to walk again.

  "GWAHHHH!" Hinata yelled loudly as he sped past the startled Kageyama. Kageyama stared after Hinata for a few seconds before realizing what was going on.

  "BOKE HINATA BOKE!" Kageyama yelled after the small blocker and started running.

  As he neared the gym, Kageyama saw Hinata laying on the ground, out of breath. Kageyama continued running until he was next to Hinata.

  "Boke! That wasn't fair!" Kageyama yelled at Hinata before letting out a huge yawn.

  "It was fair! I beat y- wait, why are you tired? Didn't you sleep last night?"

  "Of course I slept, boke. I just had a strange dream!" Kageyama started to blush a bit realizing he was even dreaming about the small blocker.

"Ooo what was the dream?" Hinata bounced up and looked at Kageyama curiously. Kageyama shook his head.

"Boke, why would I tell you that."

"I'll bother you until you tell me!"

Kageyama glared at Hinata. "Don't."

Hinata grinned and took a deep breath. "Tell me. Tell me. Tell meeee!"

Hinata went on for a minute before Kageyama finally gave in. "Fine! I'll tell you! Just shut up, boke!"

Kageyama glared but told Hinata about his 'dream'. Hinata listened intently, bursting out into a fit of laughter after Kageyama finished talking.

"You're crazy. Don't go out at night." Hinata flicked Kageyama on the forehead then darted into the gym.

"HINATA BOKE!" Kageyama ran after Hinata, glaring.

Ah yes, KageHina
One of my favorite ships

If you couldn't tell I have no idea what the hell I'm doing
If you have any ideas for the plot, please share
I'm dying here

Word count: 736

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