💖 Chapter 6💖

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Dera rushed back home in the rain just after seeing a friend. She found the door locked and the key that was usually kept inside a flower pot close to the window was no longer there.

Her biggest guess was that her big sister was definitely in.
She knocked and Fortunate opened up clad in the black top from earlier on and a bum short.
"Hey" she smiled and Dera hugged her tightly and Fortunate groaned.

"Sister good afternoon, or is it evening already?"

"Didn't you check the time?" She asked in an estranged voice then she pulled herself back.

"Are you trying to kill me?" She complained and Dera laughed.

"I'm sorry. I missed you so much" she answered taking off the show she wore then she went into the house.

"Lagos is just how many hours away, it's not as if I'm staying in Kano State. You could have come to spend days or weeks"
Fortunate shit the door and Dera shrugged.

"I guess I like Ife too much to leave"

"And you don't find it weird that you like a place that isn't your village. We're from Enugu"

"I was given birth here, so I guess I'm meant to have more connection to this place than Enugu" she answered.

Fortunate hissed then she rolled her eyes. "Were you coming from the hospital? Cause I've been around for more than an hour"
"No. I went to visit a friend"

"Or a boyfriend"

"No. He's a friend, it's a he but he's s friend. I needed someone to talk to, I left when it seemed as though it will rain"
"Weren't you supposed to be at the hospital with Mom?" She asked and Dera shrugged.

"Well ...someone had to be at home"

"But you went out to see your friend. Dera, this is the time Mom needs us the most" Fortunate chipped in leaning against the chair in the sitting room then she let out a deep sigh.

"I know I've not been the good example of a big sister, staying away and all. Mom is sick and we need to pull our efforts to make her better. You know how Mom gets better quickly when we show her love shea?" Fortunate smiled and Dera almost rolled her eyes.

If only her sister knew!
"How did the sickness happen? When did it start?"

"Same way every normal sickness happens. What did she tell you?"

"She didn't say much. She was doing her normal African mother ranting about me being away and about you and brother Orji. She doesn't understand my plight. I'm just looking for a way to escape this State"

"You say that every time"

"And I have my reasons"

"Did you come with bags? Let me go find which cloth I can steal" she smiled and Fortunate shook her head.

"Sorry, I only brought a few cloth and one black jeans like that. I'll only be staying for like two days or so."

"Stay longer now"

"I have a life in Lagos so I'm sorry"

"It's my fault" Mide cried after they got back to the hospital. He was still shaken after the whole incidence that occurred with Abiku. Well every one who witnessed it was; including Ebun.

Ebun didn't agreed with Mide blaming himself so she shook her head.

"We would have...." Mide trailed off, "Would have what? Gotten married without telling your parents and or what? We would have told them to come to Atlanta for our wedding? What kind of wife would that have made me look like?" She asked and he covered his face.

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