💖Chapter 18💖

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Chapter 18

"Hey!" Fortunate called out to Charlotte who stopped down the stairs. She turned back at Fortunate not sure whether to cry to not. She was going through mixed emotions. The only reason she was not bursting into tears was because the relationship was designed to be strictly based on sex. She definitely had no right to cry.

Fortunate walked close to then she folded her arms feeling sorry for her. "I'm sorry you had to witness that" she pointed back at the house.

"It's okay"

"So... You and ..."

"Yeah... We've...." Charlotte stalled, "I have no right to be angry" she admitted. "It was only for the sex"

"It wasn't only for the sex for you was it?"


"It was much more right?"

"I'm fine. I'm just a bit shaken by the whole thing. When I leave Nigeria, I'll definitely forget him, forget about everything"

"You have plans to leave?"

"I really don't have much reason to stay again"

"What were you going to tell me?"

"It's about your friend Kiki"

"It's Kike"

"Well I don't care. I don't like her"

"What did Kike do this time?"

"Your friend Kiki is making a move on Mide and he just accepted to have lunch with her"

"That's good news. It means he's moving on right?"

"That could have been you"

"I already explained this is to Ebun today, I can only be his friend, I can't betray my friend"

"You explained to Ebun? How?"
Fortunate shut her eyes, then she exhaled, opening them back.

"Forget I said that. I can't betray my friend. What if Kike makes him happy? I'm willing to bank on that possibility"

"I made a promise to Ebun and that's the only reason why I'm still stuck here. Like I said, I really don't have any reason to be here anymore"

"I... I don't understand" Fortunate stammered, "Well I'm going to make you understand. Ebun failed to mention this but when she was in Mide's house a day before she died, Kike visited and she wasn't really nice, she said all sorts of awful things. She doesn't want Kike by Mide's side. She's not a good person and she's not the right one for him"

"How are you sure i am? I don't even like him?"

"You just have to try"

"Are you sure you're not a chef?" Kike asked after watching Mide slice some vegetables. He forced a smile "Well, we're both horrible cooks so anything I do should look perfect to you" he answered and she laughed.

"Good point"

She opened the lid to the steaming plain looking egusi soup, "That smells good, my mouth is all watery already. I can't wait to start digging and Mide sprinkled the leaves over it after which he went back to the sink to washed the chopping stick and board.

There was a brief silence and Kike thought about a number of things she could talk about. "Have you ever cooked on your own?"

"Yeah just normal fast food, spaghetti and all. I usually eat at Ebun's house or we order pizzas" he answered and she sighed.

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