💖Chapter 37💖

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Chapter 37


Durojaiye gazed at the curious faces of everyone present and then his eyes rested on Jimmy who only shook his head. He obviously didn't want to believe what Kike had said. Then he suddenly remembered when he perceive the familiar scent of perfume when he went over to his place the previous morning .

Then he scoffed, tightening his fist. "Tell me it's a lie, tell me it's all one big misunderstanding and I'll let go of it. Just tell me you have no idea what Kike is saying"

Kike laughed, "He can't even say it!What happened Durojaiye, say something, cat got your tongue?"

"Shut up Kike!" Durojaiye shot at her then he glanced back at Jimmy. "I'm sorry man" he replied. That was the cue Jimmy needed to punch him in the face and he did.

Durojaiye fell against the kitchen sink and Tinuke gasped. "Jimmy!" His mom warned but he paid deaf ears. Jimmy barely gets angry but when he does, his anger was a kind of that had no regards for parental caution.

"How could you?" he asked squeezing his shirt then Mide and Taye held him back.

"Guy calm down" Taye begged, "Calm down for what? Can you believe this idiot had sex with my own sister?" he tried to struggled out of their grip but couldn't. "My own sister" he repeated now looking at Tinuke who Immediately went to Durojaiye's rescue.

"Are you okay?" She muttered to him but Durojaiye was less concerned about the punch. For what he knew, he deserved the punch.

"I'm sorry" Durojaiye apologized, "I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen"

"Durojaiye, yes you did! This was in your control, nothing is ever out of your control! How could you? You can have every other woman, you could have left my sister out of it! But you had to have her! Ah! Mide, Taye abeg leave me, please leave me" he cried out, "How long have you two been fooling me?"

"Brother Jimmy, Will you stop all this? What's the point? I love Durojaiye, what does it matter? I've always loved him you can ask Aunty Foluke" she called out and Jimmy turned towards his wife who suddenly looked away.

Don't drag me into this Tinuke! Was the only thing that ran through her mind.

"So what if he's dating me? It won't be a first, neither will it be the last! Are you going to be the one to get married to me? No! I don't even see why you're getting furious over this. If you're angry we hid from you, this is something we can apologize about"

"Durojaiye will never take you serious, much less marry you! You don't get it! How can you be so stupid to think that? Durojaiye will never start up anything serious in his life. Look at him, he doesn't even have you in his plan"

"He does! You might not believe it but it's the truth. He's changing and we're dating already, I'm sorry to announce to you that we are officially dating. We didn't say anything but we knew you'd react this way."

"Tinuke you're my little sister and I care about you"

"I'll be someone's wife, you're not going to get married to me."

"I know and I want that for you but i want someone good, even though not perfect, at least... Not Durojaiye! I've always dreamt of holding your hands to the aisel to give you to that man that will make you happy, Durojaiye is not capable of making anyone happy"

"You're wrong! He makes me happy" Tinuke argued, "Ah! Durojaiye will only bring you heartbreak! Tinuke you don't know this guy, he's a heart breaker, a womanizer. He'll cheat on you every chance he gets"

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