The Man They Called Cayde

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It had been a while since anyone had heard anything from the Hunter Vanguard, Cayde. He had sent himself out on a high risk mission and we lost contact from him a few days ago.

"Commander Zavala, I'd like to go look for Cayde," a blue hunter announced as she approached the commander.

"Freya, you can't go on your own," Zavala yet again explained to her. She had asked many times, but his answer was always the same.

"Everyone else is busy. What if Cayde is hurt? I'll bring the two of us back safely, I'll keep in contact with you and Ikora, just... please... Trust me. I can do this," she pleaded with the commander. She didn't want anything bad to happen to the only person she considered as a friend. Zavala lets out a breath of defeat which caught Freya's attention.

"Fine, but you must keep your word," Zavala states.

"Hunters don't go back on their word, commander," Freya explained, and Zavala nods.

"He was last heard from on his way to the Prison of Elders in the Dreaming City," Zavala explained to her, to which she nodded, and ran off to her ship that was waiting for her in the hanger. She took off as soon as everything was ready.

When Freya arrives at her destination, she makes her way to the Prison of Elders where she hears a lot of commotion going on. She rushes in and sees Cayde, and Petra Venji.

"Freya! Hey!" Cayde calls out in excitement when seeing her.

"Cayde you absolute moron!" She exclaimed, "Don't go radio silent like that!"

"Alright. Alright, I'm sorry," Cayde responded rather quickly to her, raising his hands in defense.

"Zavala... Cayde is safe," she reported back with a sigh. She heard a thank you from the other end then looked back to her Exo friends.

"So... Now that you're here, mind giving us a hand?" Cayde asked her in hopes she would say yes.

"I'm already here.. might as well," she said letting out a breath seeing. Cayde's eyes light up in excitement.

"Right now, gen-pop is running wild. Fortunately, the main area and lower levels remain on lockdown. But if the core security systems fail... Containment is going to be... a problem," Petra explained as the two looked at her.

"Just another day at the office. All right partner, this is a Cayde riff in 6, watch me for the changes, and, uh... try to keep up. Now let's go to prison!" Cayde explains as he jumps off the catwalk letting out a loud "WOOOOOHOOOO" as he fell, followed by gunshots, and various got you's. Freya rolls her eyes, and follows him as she jumps down the catwalk to join him as Petra takes her own way.

"Oho, these guys REALLY wanna dance," Cayde notes as they take down the enemy's they are faced with.

"This riot HAS to end here. If these killers get out, the Reef will be overrun," Petra exclaimed. Freya takes out a Cabal behind Cayde while he wasn't paying attention.

"Thanks partner," he grinned with a wink, then replied to Petra, "So we split up and take 'em out. And a one, two, three—!"

Freya starts taking out more enemies as they even start fighting with each other. Vex, Hive, Cabal, they're all there. As Freya gets to a rather well known prisoner, Baurg, Blood Infernal, she starts to fight him when a wall suddenly explodes, killing Baurg, and injuring Freya. Her Ghost, Firefly, quickly gets to work on healing her.

"Woah! Who's blowing stuff up without me?" She hears Cayde's voice ring out through coms.

"I don't know, but it wasn't me," Freya responded back.

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