Best Guardian to Exist

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Shots rang out on an endless barrage, the sky was red, seeping with an eerie feel of dread, anger, and bloodshed. Freya ducked behind a sturdy barrier for cover, panting rather heavily as she laid her back against the wall. She opened up her hand as her Ghost materializes, she needed some help. Where were her reinforcements? Where was the vanguard when she needed them?

"Mind giving me a hand, little light?" She asked her ghost in a quiet tone over the raging war that sounded around her. She had this sinking feeling in her chest, and even in her stomach, it was much like the feeling she had gotten sometime ago when she lost a dear friend of hers. She closed her eyes as a wave of light rushed over her as her Ghost, Firefly, healed her, back to fighting shape.

"You feel it too... don't you?" Her Ghost asked her as if he was feeling the same feeling she was. They'd been in a situation like this before. A few times actually... Freya gripped a familiar hand cannon in her hand, the white and black weathered weapon, lightly glimmered in what was left of the light.

"I hate to say it, Firefly... but this may finally be it..." she told her Ghost, "I don't think there will be any coming back from this one..."

"Freya..." Firefly has said quietly. The tone in his voice was far too familiar. He knew she was right, but they both knew the two of them weren't going down without a fight. They never had. The two were inseparable. The red war, helping Ikora find her old mentor, scaling Mars with Ana Bray, all the wonderful people they had met, and the loses they had faced together. A tear ran down Freya's cheek, hidden behind the helmet she wore. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small spades talisman, and rubbed it between her fingers. Something she'd called her lucky charm.

"I hope you waited for me..." she said quietly, a slight smile tugging at her lips. She heard the footsteps getting closer to her location and the gunfire getting increasingly louder. Screams of the innocents filling her ears.

As she got up, she started firing at the coming Vex, using her trusty Ace of Spades, and using it to fire and take down as many Vex as she could. If she couldn't save herself, she'd do whatever she could to make sure the people were safe as she had done many times before. While she was firing Ace with one hand, she used her other to dig into her pouches and pull out daggers through each finger, each lighting ablaze as she pulled them from her pouch, and threw them in many directions, hitting multiple Vex. When the explosion came, many more were damaged in the process.

When she was backed into a corner, her whole body began to glow in an orange flame as she exploded with power. The Ace of Spades she now held in her hands held a golden shine to it where she then fired into the sea of Vex. She took out as many as she could, and broke free of her corner.

She continued the onslaught, pushing her body to whatever limits it may have, Firefly healing her where he could until the Vex had gotten to him. He was shot at, and a blast of light came from where his shell once was.

"Thank you, my little light... for everything..." she said as she knew this was the end, "I'll see you both soon..."

Before she could react, everything went black, and the noises stopped... except one small faint voice.

"Eyes up, partner..."


Freya woke up with a gasp, sitting up quickly as she patted her chest in a panic, then letting out a relieved breath to find it was just a dream. She lets out a breath, and falls back down onto her bed, and calming her erratic breathing.

"What is it with all these weird dreams..." she mumbled quietly to herself before turning over and grabbing a small journal and a pen. She opens up the book which was filled with dreams she had. Even some sketches of some of the things, and people that she had seen, or had reoccurring dreams of. Aliens, giant ships, the "vanguard," ghosts. After hitting down this new dream before she forgot it, she had a realization that there was one person didn't see in this dream that she had seen in many others.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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