Chapter 1

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SIX WEEKS. It had been six weeks, three days, and two hours since the first time you were attacked by a serious case of rabid butterflies to the stomach. Six weeks, three days and two hours since you had first seen him. Six weeks, three days and two hours since you fell for Do Kyungsoo.

It was bad enough being a new student in the middle of the school year, but having a crush on a person who was oblivious to your existence was a bit much.

Kyungsoo..... Do Kyungsoo.... His eyes were the warmest of browns and so was his hair. He had a soft jaw and perfectly heart-shaped, pink lips. But unlike most guys your age he wasn't very tall of heavy-built, in fact, he was rather petite. But he was beautiful....

Each part of his body, his neck, his shoulders, hands, legs and chest, mesmerizingly sculpted like an ice figure, in the hands of a dexterous craftsman.

But that WAS the problem..... He was ICY.

You had never seen him talk to anyone.... Never more than a few words, which obviously accounted for why nearly everyone was low-key terrified of him. And his stare?  An intense gaze that reached the depths  of your soul didn't exactly make things any better.

But all these little things only made you fall harder and faster for Do Kyungsoo.

The idea of seeing him was the only thing that fuelled your day, even though deep inside, you knew, that the chances of him feeling the same way, or even noticing you was painfully remote and today was no exception.

The moment you reached your class, your teacher reminded you of the test she had asked all of you to come prepared for. Mentally face-palming yourself, you made your way to your seat when your gaze accidentally (or intentionally) fell on Kyungsoo. He was reading something for the test when without a warning, he looked up from his book and straight into your eyes. You averted your gaze, blushing furiously and hoped that he didn't notice it, as you made your way to your place.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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