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Another family game night and everyone was together.

They had a big family. Being half Greek from their Dad's side and Brazilian(Portuguese) from their mom's side, family was engrained in the Stravos culture.

They were a family of 8 and counting, with 6 boys.

ALEXANDER, the famous writer sat side by side with CHACHI the Jamaican-Thai resident heart surgeon. They'd been together for 5 years, since Xander was 23 and Chachi 21 and together they were expecting their first children, twins.
At the time they met, Xander was just as cocky and charismatic as their father was at his age which was why their mother called him El Diablo jr. However, overtime Chachi's headstrong nature broke his cocky exterior to reveal his softer, more vulnerable side. Although neither of them gave into the idea of marriage, they both knew what they had was forever.

Opposite them was ALEXAVIER, the family doctor and Xander's twin. In his lap was his adopted 3 year old son CALLEN, brother of CAIRO who sat merrily of his father's lap, DORIN, Xavier's husband of 3 years and Italian swimmer. They'd met 5 years ago, during a time where Dorin was 20 and already a father to 1 year old Cairo. Without a mother in the picture and a tasking career, he needed guidance which Xavier provided for him and they quickly fell in love.

On the couch was QUENTIN, the always calm and composed BMX racer (also known as ten-ten because that was the only thing he called people for a while once learnt to talk). Nothing ever seemed to faze him which was why he dominated every one of his competitions. It's also why Ecuadorean tennis player, Sofia, caught his eye on the T.V screen as he watched her win her first national tennis competition at the early age of 19 (which was only the beginning of her never ending winning streak in multiple competitions worldwide). At this time, 3 years ago, he was 23. He saw her composed nature on the court and knew he needed to be around a competitor who complemented him so well. Without hesitation, he flew to Ecuador and they fast became friends before they realised a year later that it wasn't enough. After 3 years of knowing each other, they were now engaged and expecting their first child like Chachi and Xander, except it's not twins...thank God.

Opposite them was 25 year old THORIN who was only 11 months apart from QUENTIN. They were like the twins they couldn't be. Unlike Quentin, Thorin fazed easily, never knew the right things to say, yet his lean frame always seemed to glide with a nervous confidence, it was the Greek in him. His frazelled nature made him look and feel young despite his towering frame. Of all the boys, he was the tallest at 6,4.
Although he showed interest in girls he never did much about them, his awkward personality made sure of it. Unlike his younger brothers, he was an academic, he loved to read and analyse any and all things. It started when he decided to understand his Greek heritage when he was 5. He paired nicely with their Greek father DEMITRIOUS who was a linguist and retired Greek ambassador. They both liked to construct and deconstruct words, buildings, pictures, anything with a history which is why he thrived as an archaeologist and that's why they got along so well.
Like his father, he had learnt many languages due to his travels and didn't plan on stopping. At 20 he had finished university and started working with many well known archeological firms worldwide which became his prime focus in life.

21 year old AXEL and ASPEN (nicknamed ANVIL and ASPRIN due to their chaotic and danger prone behaviour) sat together. Despite their troublesome academic years their grades never slacked, but academia was never their thing. While ASPEN became a professional photographer at 19, AXEL went to the Royal Artisan where he thrived as a contemporary dancer also at 19. It was also where he met fellow dancer ZIZI, an Afro-Latina cutie who was equally as sensual as him and was now his on and off girlfriend of 2 years. She got along with their Brazilian mother Marcia seeing as they both spoke Portuguese. (ZIZI is Brazilian-Nigerian)

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