Chapter 26

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Rhea POV

I don't think I've ever been stared at as much as I have been in recent weeks. I started my studies at Colombia University. The people found it odd that a nine year old has taken electives in Biological science, along with studying to be a doctor in Physical therapy.

This is definitely not High school. The vibe is different, more relaxed but at the same time, way more stressful. I have no free time and I'm fortunate enough that I have Aunt Hestia looking after me. She's had to remind me to eat on more than one occasion and had to put me to bed almost every night.

Am I overworked? Yes. Is it worth it? It doesn't feel like it at the moment. Will I crash and burn? Yip.

High school is a breeze in comparison to the workload I have now. I have to remind myself constantly that I wanted this. I'm no longer in my twenties with the capacity to stay up for twenty two hours and be close to fine the next day.

My microbiology professor is an asshole who doesn't think I belong in his class. I hate it when someone tells me I can't do something. I take it as a personal challenge to prove to him that I can.

Not to mention that my ADHD is on overdrive in my lectures and I've had to resort to using prescribed meds to just focus. I don't like using them often due to the fact that my attention span of a fly is imperative to my survival as a demi-goddess.

"I'm proud of you niece," Aunt Hestia said putting down a cup of tea next to me, startling me from my desk, and I may or may not have squeaked like a bird on a high.

"Wha...what? Sorry auntie, I was so focused," I replied hastily.

"I can see that. What I mean is; I am so proud of you for how hard you're working here. I've never seen someone so focused who wasn't a child of the wisdom goddess."

"Thanks auntie. It means a lot to me," I said bashfully.

Aunt Persephone came to visit me before she went back to the underworld for winter. Apparently when I went to visit, she snuck away from her mother over the summer to meet me and I've never felt more honoured than when she told me that.

Months had passed and I haven't had any time to train or do any physical activity besides training my hands and brains to do my projects. I did get to visit Jane and Malcolm over two weekends at the school and I may or may not have rubbed it onto my bullies' faces that I was smarter than them.

And before I knew it, end of semester exams were coming up, followed by Christmas holidays and the New Year.

I enjoyed spending time with my family and Aunt Persephone took me to the Underworld to visit for a few days. I gave both of them presents, compiled out of sweets and chocolates. Uncle Hades has a real sweet tooth apparently. We're still awkward around each other but that's okay.

Some of my fellow classmates call me Sheldonna Cooper, the female version for Sheldon from the Big bang Theory.

And it's not that I'm as socially awkward as he is, I'm just young!

I nearly finished my first year and dear gods, am I glad that I'm nearly done. I need a break!

I had one more exam to finish on Physiology before I could leave to visit dad with mom, but Gabe has been really difficult with mom lately. He doesn't like the idea of her leaving for the summer. He wants her serving him and his friends beer every day for the rest of his miserable life. Mum has been smooth talking him but it seems unfair, he is such a pig. He treats her like crap and she is the best person in the world.

"Oh sweetheart, it's so wonderful to see you. How have you been? Have you been eating? Hestia said that you forgot to eat again this week?" my mom bombarded me the moment I stepped foot in the apartment.

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