
29K 748 76

Warning: sexual themes, swearing

The small apartment was in low light, a dim, steady steam of light came from the oil lamp on the end table.

The flickering light provided the flames for the shadows to dance in.

The Double bed shifted as it hit the walls from the force of the couple on its mattress.

The blonde woman gripped onto the muscles of her lover, as he bucked his hips at a steady rate.

Arthur had always joked that Tommy was the biggest whore he knew, that he could probably go on fucking a woman for a day if he wanted to.

And it was no secret that Tommy liked the attention he got from women, he knew his looks caught their eyes and he used it to his advantage.

Grace was a good girl to be with romantically- and was even more of a good fuck.

The young Irish girl, captivated him- put him under some sort of spell. She was nice, smart and pretty. But Tommy couldn't quite help notice that Grace didn't make his heart flutter like she did.

He shook his head, letting all thoughts of her drain from his head.

He allowed himself to focus on the moment at hand. his girlfriend spread on her back, her legs wrapped around his waist.

But for the first time ever, Tommy just wanted to be done already, he wanted to get up and leave and not come back.

When they had finished and had cleaned up, the clock had struck 1 in the morning.

Had time really slipped that fast?

Grace had begged Tommy to stay with her for the night, she used her eyes until he caved in and agreed to stay.

She fell asleep soon after he had agreed, her back faced Tommy as she slept on peacefully.

Tommy was jealous at how someone could sleep without a care in the world, without being haunted by the past in their dreams.

The Shelby, carefully removed himself from the bed, reaching for the pile of clothes on the floor and pulled a cigarette out of one of the pockets of his jacket.

He grumbled to himself as he realised he didn't have matches or a lighter on him.

His feet tapped the floor, as he pondered where he could find a lighter at 1 o'clock in the morning.

The shops would more than likely he closed, and he could always just not smoke (which was at the bottom of his list of alternatives), or he could root through the draws of Grace's apartment until he found something he could like his cigarette with.

He pulled his sleep shirt and bottoms and began to make his way to the small kitchenette area.

Tommy rooted through the various utensil drawers and grunted when he found nothing of use.

He was in an irritable state now, all Tommy wanted was a fucking drag from his little stick of death, but even that was proving too difficult.

There was one final chest of drawers in the sitting room, Tommy took his chance when he didn't hear Grace stir from her bed.

He pulled the stuff drawer open. There was a mixture of clutter and a few books stuffed in too. Tommy shuffled through the items, in hope of touching the familiar touch of cool metal.

Eventual he felt it, he lifted the pile it was hidden under so he had better access to it.

He picked it up, only to become more interested in the item that it lay on top of.

It was a yellowing file, that held a large stamp of the British coat of arms.

In red ink there was a stamp that read 'Classified' and 'Confidential'.

The words only spurred on Tommy's curiosity of what was inside, he turned from the front cover and was shocked at what was inside the file.

It was a photo of Eliza, and information that Tommy assumed was about her.

He silently tread back into Grace's bedroom. Threw on his remaining clothes and tucked the file underneath his coat.

He made sure to leave the apartment as he had found it (the last thing he needed was Grace on his arse for snooping around.)

And with a final look at the apartment, he took off into the dark streets of Birmingham.

Cross my heart - Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now