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Warnings: swearing

Tommy was a drinker, that much was clear. He liked to have a glass of gin or whiskey in his hand at nearly all hours of the day.

He loved drinking in his own presence, but he loved getting pissed up with his brothers in the Garrison even more.

Tommy was a professional when it came to handling his alcohol, but he was also a professional at ignoring his problems until they were nothing but dust.

Which was why he had been avoiding the Garrison like the plague. He didn't want to risk seeing Grace working, not after he took the file.

He didn't know why he was even avoiding her, she shouldn't have had the file in the first place anyway. And any anger Tommy was feeling towards her was completely warranted in his eyes.

Throughout the day, Tommy's attitude was becoming increasingly sour. He needed a drink desperately- except he couldn't, because the entirety of his gin and whiskey selection had finally been finished over the months.

He had nothing on him.

So he toughened up and began his walk to the Garrison, where he could get a decent fucking drink.

Everyone he passed on the way there, coward out of his way- his expression enough to frighten them into the shadows.

The Garrison was semi-crowded, Tommy recognised a few faces from the time he'd spent in the pub.

He couldn't see any sign of Grace so far, which he was glad for.

Instead Eliza was serving at the bar, she looked focused on the pouring of drinks- making sure she didn't slosh any liquid over the sides.

Almost as if she felt his gaze, she looked up from her barmaid duties. Upon seeing Tommy she immediately ducked under the bar to get a glass and bottle of Irish whiskey, she placed them on the bar and gave him a small smile as she went on her way in cleaning up tables and serving other patrons.

As much as Tommy didn't want to admit it- Eliza knew him well.

He knew he was staring at her as well, admiring her from afar.

Tommy tore his eyes away, as he heard the incoming clack of heels on the wooden flooring.

He knew it couldn't have been Eliza, on account of the fact that she preferred laced boots.

Instead he looked upon the stomping figure of Grace.

And good God, did she look pissed.

The gang leader had a good mind to turn on his heel and walk out, but before he could do so the blonde woman had her talons grasped around his bicep.

"We need to talk," She spoke lowly, glancing dirtily across the room at Eliza, "Privately."

He rolled his eyes and grunted in response, "And why is that?"

"Because I woke up almost a week ago to an empty bed and missing possessions." Grace hissed angrily, her face the epitome of rage.

"I don't know what yer talkin' 'bout." He told her shortly, "but you should know I'd never do anything to betray your trust, I'm in too deep to even think about doing that."

The lie fell smoothly off of his tongue, and by the looks of it Grace had believed him. Thankfully Tommy was saved from any further questions, as Eliza called across the room.

"Grace." Eliza called from the other side of the pub, "Leave Mr Shelby alone, and come and serve customers- since Y'know that's your job an' all."

The Irish spy looked as if she were about to throw a tantrum, as she stomped her foot and angrily complied with her superior.


The pub was once again just filled with the Shelby boys for the evening, drinks were flowing and the men in question were quite happy to converse with each other, what with the alcohol flowing through their systems.

Eliza just watched from afar in amusement as the boys acted like idiots, and Grace desperately tried to join in the conversations that they were having.

She looked like she was a wounded lost puppy, following the Shelby's around everywhere they went.

It was honestly pathetic in Eliza's opinion, and it annoyed her to no end.

The evening slowly bled into the hours of night, and after Grace had excused herself to go home, Eliza came and joined the boys at the table.

John and Arthur were off their tits on gin and whiskey (and probably Tokyo).

Tommy however, was nursing a rather full glass of gin, half aware of the chaos his brothers were causing in their inebriated states. His focus was again thrown off by the small giggles that Eliza was trying to stifle behind her hand, as John fell off of his seat.

Her laugh was angelic, it made him feel good- happy. It was like nothing could take the moment away.

Until John opened his fat gob that was.

"Y'know Tommy lad!" His words slurred as his glass sloshed the liquid inside, "I can't believe that yer found a fuckin' file in tha' Grace's flat, all about our Liza!"

Tommy could feel the air be sucked out of his lungs, he didn't want the truth to be revealed this way.

He had only just started fixing the issues between himself and Eliza from the first argument.

"John..." Tommy cautioned him to stop talking.

"Shut up Tommy!" John swayed as he stood up, "I told ye', I said yer should've told 'er!"

Eliza looked confused and rather mortified at the dialogue between the brothers.

"John," she looked apprehensive, "What do you mean file?"

Tommy immediately felt sober, all traces of the alcoholic buzz had left his system, "it's nothing Eliza." He said shortly.

"'e's lyin' Liza!" Arthur murmured, his head resting on the table, "'e found a fuckin' file at the barmaids flat- all your records and files were bein' hoarded."

Tommy rubbed his eyes, "its not a big deal." He started, "point is it's not-"

"Not a big deal!" Eliza was stood up now, "Not a big fucking deal?" She laughed shortly, "everythin' in that fuckin' file was private!"

Tommy dared to glance at the girls face, it was red with fury and he could tell she was close to tears.

"Just answer me this." She took a shuddering breath, "Did you read it?"

"I'm sorry Eliza, I didn't mean-"

"You didn't fuckin' mean to?" She was shouting now, "that stuff was private and personal and you've violated my trust." Eliza began to poke his chest in anger, "just because you're Tommy fuckin' Shelby, does not mean that you have the right to read it- you said you didn't mean to but you know you're wrong, you're just an invasive, arrogant pig."

She shoved him and walked off, back up the stairs.

"Thanks for that John, you've just ruined any chance of repairing our relationship that I might've had with her."

John rolled his eyes, "You 'ad it comin' Tom- it was only a matter of time before yer actions bit you in the arse."

Cross my heart - Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now