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Warnings: sexual assault, swearing, ptsd, injury (please skip if these effect you or your mental health in any way)

Eliza didn't leave her room for the next two days, fearing of the world outside of her bedroom. It was lucky that those two days had been over the weekend- as she knew she'd have to go back to work when the sun rose again.

She looked a mess, her eyes rimmed red and her hair a matted clump.

Eliza knew she was probably overreacting, but she couldn't help but feel like she was being targeted again and again by some higher being.

And it wasn't even that Eliza was feeling particularly betrayed after finding out that Tommy had read through her files and records.

She just felt as if he had pushed the boundaries (that much was clear)- although she was thankful for taking the man taking a file full of personal information away from a person like Grace.

But it still felt like someone had prised into something that was personal and that she had her control ripped away from her.

Eliza was angry, what and who at- she wasn't too sure. Everything was becoming too much to handle, and this just happened to be the needle that broke the horses' back.

It was a confusing time in her life.

She had feelings for Tommy, she'd been fighting with Tommy, She'd had too many mental breakdowns to count, Her leg was becoming weaker with each day and of course there was the whole Grace fiasco.

Eliza knew that Grace and this Irish copper held a bigger part of the picture, she had a burning feeling that the worst was yet to come.

She just needed to clear her mind, empty her head and let everything go for a few minutes.

Getting up and dressing in warm clothes was easy, as was sneaking out considering Harry was a deep sleeper.

Eliza just needed to get some air, stretch her legs and get out of her damn room.

It was only after she had wandered aimlessly for 20 minutes that Eliza realised that she had no plan on where she was going.

Reality kicked in minutes later, she was walking around Small Heath in the dark looking vulnerable and wearing nothing but a dress, heals and a thick coat.

She wasn't carrying any weapons and was almost completely defenceless.


She put her head on straight and started her journey to John's, it was maybe 10 minutes away at least. And she knew she would be safe there.

"Oi sweet'eart!"

A gruff voice slurred across the street, him and his friends called and whistled at her.

Eliza just put her head down and began to walk faster.

"Where yer goin' pretty gal?"

Her heart hammered out of her chest, she prayed for it to stop.

But they persisted on, the sound of shoes on cobbles came up from behind her as a harsh grip caught her wrist.

There were 3 men, each had a devilish look in their eyes.

Eliza attempted to pull away, she ripped her arm away from the man and spat at his feet- this only made them angrier as the pulled at her hair harshly dragging her into one of the many dirty alleyways.

The other two jeered and smacked at her hind as the young woman attempted to escape.

Eliza felt her body squirm in repulsion as she felt the alcoholic breath touch her ear lobe.

Cross my heart - Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now