Kiss me slowly

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Disclaimer: Iris and Barry don't get together. I won't write in the Canons between Supergirl and the Flash because we have already been generously fed with our precious Og couples. I write about Crackships only. Maybe one day I'll do some Canon.

      "Thanks for the help Kara." Oliver said one last time to the blonde Kryptonian. "You're welcome." She smiled. "Once again I am really sorry that we got off on the wrong foot." "That's ok Oliver, you know beneath all that brooding attitude and dark past you're actually a good guy." She said to him. "Don't tell anyone." He replied and they both chuckled. Suddenly Barry walked up to both of them.

"Ready to go?" Barry asked.

"Um, yeah." Kara replied.

"Okay guys, I'll be right back I just need to take Kara to her Earth." Barry Said to everyone in the room. Cisco walked over to Kara and gave her a hug which shocked her. "I'm hugging an alien." He smirked.

"Cisco....." Barry called out.

"Oh sorry." He replied not meaning it. Cisco opened a breach and the pair stepped in as Kara waved goodbye to everyone.

      They walked through the breach and into Kara's apartment. Kara put her stuff down and turned to Barry. "Barry how about you stay for drinks at this cool alien bar and we can hang out with each other, without the world ending." Kara said smiling.

"I don't know Kara, I really have to get back" Barry said scratching the back of his neck. "Please just one." She begged giving the puppy dog eyes.

Barry contemplated for a minute. "I- uh. You know what screw it, I'm in." He responded. Just let me text James and Winn. "um sure." Barry said " Did you and James ever work out?" Barry asked not really caught up with Kara's life.

"No that relationship crashed and burned. James and I decide we'd be just friends." Kara chuckled. "Oh." Barry had no idea why he felt so relieved. "They said they'll be there. Let's go." Kara said and the pair made their way towards the bar.

When they arrived Winn and James were already seated at the bar and Mon-El was making drinks. Kara walked up to them and hugged her two best friends. "Hey guys, You remember Barry right?" Winn was the first one to speak up. "Hello earth hopping buddy." He beamed at Barry . "Hey Winn." He then nodded to James. "James."

James tipped his glass towards Barry before taking a sip. "So Barry, "how've you been?" Winn asked. "Good as I can be." He replied.

Mon-El walked over to the group. What will you be having sir?" Mon-El asked Barry. "Beer?" Barry asked Mon-El. Mon-El got his drink and placed it in front of Barry. "Club Soda?" He asked Kara who just nodded.

An hour later the gang was laughing at funny stories. "Do you remember that one time you and Mon-El got drunk?" Winn asked laughing. Kara groaned and facepalmed. "Wait, you got drunk?" Barry asked before bursting out laughing.

"She was very floaty." Mon-El said laughing. She glared at them before speaking up. "It was not my finest moment." She said. "Wait you have alcohol that you actual feel the effects? Barry asked. "Alien alcohol." Winn interjected. "You should try it." Mon said. Barry contemplated for a moment. "Screw it." He replied. Mon-El cheered before rushing off to get the drink. "I want a refill, Mon." Kara said handing him her empty cup

"What! No if I'm drinking it so are you." Barry stated. "No." Kara replied. "Kara, please, come on. Kara thought for a moment before agreeing." "Just one." She stated firmly and just like that one drink turned to two and two turned into four.


"I can see through my hand." Kara slurred. Barry was devouring some ribs that they had gotten. Kara then saw Alex walk in and called her over.

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